View Full Version : The Party.

13-02-11, 22:32
I first posted this nearly 3 years ago and I thought it time to lighten our spirits again!

I wondered some time ago (in my fantasy world) wouldn't it be nice if one day all of us on this site were to attend a party for the benefit of us!

This is in no way meant as an offence to anyone who suffers from whatever form of Anxiety just a light hearted thought which I hope will just bring a smile to a few faces.

Can you imagine the scene;

The Claustrophobics would all be standing outside.......whatever the weather.

The Agorophobics would all be standing inside......if they turned up.

The Hypochondriacs wouldn't eat anything for fear of being ill.

There would be a constant supply of ambulances waiting in the car park for the regular trips to A and E.

The washrooms would all be constantly occupied for obvious reasons.

The lighting would have to be dimmed and the music would have to be quietened because of our increased sensitivity.

None of us would drink alcohol because of our medication.

All of us with poor body image problems would think that everyone was looking at us.

No one would be dancing for fear of making a fool of themselves.

The list is endless.
But I guarantee one thing, after an hour or so. Everyone would have relaxed, be talking and dancing and laughing and even joking about our problems. What a great party it would be! Probably the best!

As I say, just a thought from my fantasy world, but a good one. We can but dream.

Once again, this is not intended to offend or poke fun at anyone suffering from any of the above (which I am one). Just a thought.


Update Feb 2011.
Coming soon......

The 2011 Midwinter Anxiety Sufferers Fair.
Exciting attractions such as;
Prizes for the most A and E visits (only one entry per person).
Art Competition....Display your own ECG readouts. (Can be framed or mounted).
Feeling Queasy? Then test your skill on the 'Vomit Comet.'

Plenty of stalls, including;
Undo the Childproof Cap Whilst Having a Panic Attack.
Is It Warm or Is It Me? Prizes for the reddest face.
Throw a Wet Sponge (at your GP).
And back by demand.........Perform Your Own Colonoscopy! (A game of skill and courage)! Sponsored by 'Picolax'

Fun for all the family.

Watch this space.

13-02-11, 22:50
LMAO Kevin
I await my invitation:D What a hoot it would be!

Trish x

13-02-11, 23:43
Hi Kevin :D

I must admit i enjoy your posts and you have cheered me up (without you knowing) since i joined in January :yesyes:

""No of us would drink alchohol because of our medication""

One valium and four stella and i,m any bodys :roflmao:

Don,t see why it wouldn,t or couldn,t happen . I,ve meet really nice people on the internet through two of my hobbies , something i never thought i would 5 years ago "pre internet" .
I,ve lots of school friends from years ago and many new friends and have a good social life , but you can,t have two many friends and meeting new people and eventually new friends is one of the few free pleasures in life .

Perhaps something might come of this if its organised properly .

13-02-11, 23:53
Haha, love it :D

14-02-11, 00:12
Instead of bringing a bottle , someone could bring the prozac , someone else the valium , i,ll bring the beer aswell because i need the lot , ill need a lift up there aswell as ill need a drink before i meet anyone new , and what colour will the toilet seats be, as i can only go if there white with the missing bit at the front , theres not many of these about these days .

What happened to these toilet seats with the gap at the front , and what was they for , i think i,ve forgot to take my meds i need to go to bed.

Is the moon really made of cream cheese ..

14-02-11, 00:18

I'd be the guest with the big untrendy handbag because I'd need my bottle of water, Rescue Remedy, menthol sweets, chewing gum and no doubt half a dozen "safety" items. No heels in case I feel dizzy and I might not be able to speak to anyone due to deep breathing :wacko:

14-02-11, 01:30
I love this! I've laughed my head off! Thanks Horse :)

14-02-11, 02:55

14-02-11, 09:00
Great ! This has cheered me up this morning, :D

14-02-11, 09:35
And a large supply of TenaLady for all those in danger of wetting themselves....

I have mad thoughts like this as well, glad to see I'm not the only nutter here. :D

14-02-11, 12:28
The usual gales of laughter and snorting from me over Horses posts an the voice from the gods (husband) shouting " I see that funny bloke has posted again print it out for me".

14-02-11, 13:50
lol lol love it, another funny one from you Horse

mandie x