View Full Version : Heart Rate Faster When Sick?

14-02-11, 04:26
I have just got a cold and have a stuffy ,runny nose and coughing and feeling just basically miserable. I am not running any fever but noticed my heart rate has gone from normal 68 to 80 to 85 all day everyday since I have been sick,I Know this happens when you have a high fever but since I don't have any fever is this normal..Im really worried please help?

14-02-11, 04:53
Hi Michael

Your heart rate will go up if you're sick especially if you have an infection, it does this to try and fight it off! I had pharyngitis (sp) when I was in my 20's and we had to call doc out as I was so bad, I whispered in her ear that my heart was racing and I was frightened, she said that was perfectly normal and that she would worry if it wasn't beating fast.

It is only doing it's job, so please try not to worry, it will go down as soon as you are better.


14-02-11, 05:09
Even when you're not sick, a healthy range is about 60 - 90 bpm. So it's totally normal. I used to worry so much about my heart, and then it was explained that this range is normal.. I used to freak out anytime it got over 70bpm!! hehe.

I don't worry about it anymore. :)

14-02-11, 15:10
this is very normal when you have a cold. even if you dont have a fever. i get this all the time when im ill with a cold. nothing to worry about

little kyle
14-02-11, 22:07
if you feel your heart rate when you are relaxed you will notice its slower if im right you are so awear of your heart beat when you are seeing how many BPM you are getting its going to knock it up and like dazza said 60 to 90 BPM is health the more you notice somthing the worse you get mate so try to put it at the back of your mind are do somthing to get your mind of the situation that you are facing hope that help'd you mate


16-02-11, 03:14
Hi everyone.I thank you for the responses.I read them this morning and started feeling a little better.. This cold is really bothering me a lot. My mouth and nostrils and ears are all inflamed and my gums too. I didn't know a cold could do this. I also woke this morning and my heart beat was beating hard over 100 .I don't know if this was caused by ibuprofen or gas or bad dreams. I have been taking ibuprofen around the clock and they say that it can cause fast heart beat. I didn't take any today and it seems my heart rate is beating a little slower so I switched to tylenol.Hoping that this will take care of the fast heartbeat..Anyway thanks for everyone's response. Michael

18-02-11, 18:39
Did you take decongestants? They make my heart rate go crazy