View Full Version : Any Good Night Sleep Tips?

14-02-11, 07:05
I have always struggled with waking during the night with my mind racing. Usually I can fall asleep ok, its staying asleep and waking early thats the problem. I have tried all the usual remedies.

I have started Citalopram 20mg 9 days ago and take it about 7 am. I think I got 2 hours sleep last night and the night before. SSSooooo tired!:weep:

Any tips or ideas wold be very welcome.

paula lynne
14-02-11, 10:32
Try lavender and play a relaxing instrumental CD. x Milk contains tryptophan wich is a sleep-inducing hormone, so have a hot choc or ovaltine an hour before bed. x

14-02-11, 11:55

I have a similar problem. Milky drink is a great idea, also relaxing CD. Keep bedroom at neutral temperature if you can (not too hot, not too cold) Also I sprinkle pillow with lavender oil or sometimes ylang-ylang.

A warm bath before bed helps and I find that if I have fairly heavy bed clothes it also helps (have absolutely no idea why).

I have to be honest sometimes none of this works and so I lie still with my eyes closed working on the theory that if you want to sleep then lying in bed with your eyes closed is the best way to do it. Dealing with the horrid chatter can be hard but my doctor suggested making mental lists so I go through the Kings and Queens of England and if I am still awake by George VI I start again trying to remember who they married...have often fallen asleep by Richard III (married Anne Neville). Another list might be European countries and their capital cities (soooo boring you'll have drifted off by Germany and Berlin)

Take care Thyme

14-02-11, 12:48
Might be worth trying something from the Body Shop's Deep Sleep range. I use it to help me get to sleep but it might work for keeping you asleep too x

14-02-11, 13:47
This is caused by your side effects from the Medication .I experienced the same for a few weeks when I went on it .I found Night nurse effective ,but only take half a dose to see how it affects you .If it doesnt help then have a full dose .You can GET TABS for about £3 in Tesco .It will all pass in time ,its a common side effect .T/c Sue x

14-02-11, 15:20
Like Thyme, lists work for me as well. Trying to remember all the countries in one of the continents will usually help me to nod off!

14-02-11, 15:32
Rescue Remedy have started doing Rescue Remedy melts and they are good as well
