View Full Version : Chronic Nasal Problems

14-02-11, 09:44
hey, about 5 weeks ago i woke up with a stuffy nose, like i had a cold, thought nothing of it and didn't worry too much, then a week later it was still there, so i started doing all the steam inhalation thing and got some sudaferd to see if that would help, nothing did. i'm constantley talking through my nose so i went to the doctors and they said its proberly sinusitis and put me on antibiotics for a week, didn't work, so they put me on stronger ones....again did nothing so they put me on another different type and again did nothing, in between this, it was coming and going, some days i would feel normal, then 2 days later nose blocked, feeling nasal, so i went back to the docs and they put me on a nasal spray which has not improved at all, if anything, now i have been nasally and sound like i have a cold all the time. i just dont know whats wrong, and its really getting me down. i have been extreamly on edge since january, with relationship problems, money worrys,my eldest son playing up.
i'm constantly tired, very emotional, and this is making me worse as i keep thinking something else is wrong. i have no pain, no headache, my nose is clear when i blow it, i just dont know what to do :(

little kyle
14-02-11, 16:06
Same here but its 1 nostril for me just to tell you your not alone and it is worrying.....have you try'd a neti pot

14-02-11, 17:02
whats a neti pot? :shrug:

little kyle
14-02-11, 17:09
Heres a website that tells you about the neti pot hope it helps you... http://www.netipots.co.uk/what.asp

18-02-11, 09:20
thanks for that i'll look into that more :)

18-02-11, 09:34
neti pots are amazing! swear by mine. x