View Full Version : in such a state today and its only 9am :(

14-02-11, 09:47
what on earth is blooming wrong with me????? :(

woke this morning with the awful trembing/spinning sensation in my torso,and the feeling that i can feel my blood rushing round my veins, it was the worst its ever been, i tried to drift back to sleep and ignore it saying to myself it was ok my body was just waking up and to let it pass.......it didnt and got worse :( as it wasnt stopping i then started to get the dreaded when you get a sudden fright feeling of adrenelin in my chest and i could feel my rapid heartbeat in my head, hands, and well everywhere really.
i couldnt lie there another second so got up and then i felt so warm and noticed i was sweating lightly, then i get more anxious as im sure thats a symptom of something more serious happening.
ive got up, made a cup of tea, took my bp which was 130/851 and now im just sitting here feeling very sorry for myself, i want to cry but im managing to hold myself together, reading this back it sounds so stupid and trivial compared to other people who are so very much worse than me :(
the earliest i can get to see a doctor is thursday morning :(

macc noodle
14-02-11, 09:54
Hi hon, I don't think your BP reading was 130/851 was it - your machine must be broken! Why do you take your own BP at home - do you have a problem with BP issues or is it just something you do for your own well being? (My best friend in my first aid box is the thermometer - it is just like one the docs. use and my kids get cheesed off with me sticking it in their ears!!)

Sounds like an almighty anxiety/panic attack to me - any chance you could find something to disctract your self with - some loud music - a quick boogie or a sing song (may look potty to the neighbours but works for me)

Also, if you want to cry - cry - it sometimes helps to release the feelings :)

Hope you feel better soon.



14-02-11, 10:15
hi jan,
we have a bp machine at home as my hubby has polysystic kidney & liver disease and he needs to keep a close eye on his bp, most of his family have it and this is why i feel so blooming stupid with my problems, they all go through so much pain and treatments.Last year we went through my father in law getting a kidney transplant and it was such a traumatic and worrying time for my husbands family.
I feel guilty having this anxiety when other people are going through so much more terrifying things :(

macc noodle
14-02-11, 10:31

Don't be so harsh on yourself - you clearly have a lot on your plate and it must take a toll on your health too. :hugs:

Hope your father in law now feeling much better?

You should not feel guilty about not being on top form all the time - anxiety is a real health issue and very unpleasant at times. Without sounding too harsh, it is sometimes easier to live with an illness that is quantifiable and has a set course of treatment and protocols and outcomes that we can understand and work towards, whereas anxiety and panic is sometimes a law unto itself which makes the management of it all the more challenging. But, we can do it!!!!

Try and do something this morning that pleases you and hopefully you will start to feel a little better and when you see the doc on Thursday, make sure you tell them the whole story.

