View Full Version : Life after anxiety

14-02-11, 09:48
I have not visted the NMP site for some time now and to be honest I try to keep away from anything that might 'start' me off again, however I thought I would just post a quick update as I know when I was at my lowest it was positive posts that helped me thorough.

I thought I would never go 5 mins without obsessing on my anxiety, it was always my first waking thought and my last one at night, I used to wonder what I thought about before I had anxiety as that is ALL I thought about. I was at my wits end - you name it I had it panic attacks every health anxiety known to man. Basically I was a wreck.

Racing heart, air hungry, blurred vision, pains in my chest, blocked ears etc etc.

My doctor put me on Fluoxintine (Prozac) and it really helped, gradually I got a bit better - I would go maybe half an hour and realise that I had not thought about my anxiety, then 2 hours etc etc until one morning I woke up and realised I had spent the whole of the previous day oblivious to anxiety !!!!

Now although my anxiety is still with me I have learned to live with it as a part of my life which does not intrude on my day to day living and I really do go months and months without even thinking about it and my life has returned to it's pre anxiety normality. (You know the usual madness that goes with working full time and having 3 kids!!!)

So I relley just wanted to post my experience to let all you out there that feel there is no light at the end of the tunnel that you honestly can get better and you can be 'normal' again - I promise.

Best wishes to everyone & happy valentines day :bighug1:

14-02-11, 10:06
Thank you for posting this, it really does mean a lot to hear that it is possible to get your life back.

K xx