View Full Version : it isnt fair anymore

14-02-11, 10:29
i just don't no if i can cope any more.

i have had bad muscle tension for weeks but now i just feel weak in my arms and chest and I'm tired all the time. i just keep getting told its anxiety i can't do any of it any more i really cant. i have a rose throat and feel like i cant breathe.

I'm sat thinking do i go to the doctors again just to be told its anxiety i just can't take any more i want it all to end now

macc noodle
14-02-11, 10:37
Hi scared stiff

Please don't be scared to go back to the docs and tell them how you feel.

Was the last doc. you saw unsympathetic to your anxiety issues ? Does your practice have a list of your doctors and what their specialist interests or experience is (they do at my docs. so I know I am very lucky because I always have an appt with the gp specialising in mental health)?

If you are genuinely feeling so low and wanting to end it all, you do need URGENT medical help because you are clearly unwell and it needs treatment. PLEASE call your doctors now and tell them how you are feeling - they should definitely see you today.

Anxiety is horrible and can make you feel dreadfully ill and when you are in the midst of it all it is so easy to feel that you no-one is listening to you and that you are seriously ill and no-one is doing anything to help. Sometimes we do need medication to help overcome these feelings which is why you need to seek medical help.

Please don't sit at home and suffer in silence.


14-02-11, 10:43
I agree - explain how tough you are finding things and if the doc says it's anxiety, ask him/her how they are going to treat it. Hang in there, you don't have to suffer like this :hugs:

anx mum
14-02-11, 10:48
i just don't no if i can cope any more.

i have had bad muscle tension for weeks but now i just feel weak in my arms and chest and I'm tired all the time. i just keep getting told its anxiety i can't do any of it any more i really cant. i have a rose throat and feel like i cant breathe.

I'm sat thinking do i go to the doctors again just to be told its anxiety i just can't take any more i want it all to end now

Hi hun im like u struggling to cope at mo getting chest pains worried bout my breathing everyday is a struggle. Try and see your doc today tell him how bad u feel?

14-02-11, 11:25
hi all
i have seen two doctors and a nurse and all say that it is just anxiety so it is. i guess.
i also see a councilor and having cbt n week 6 and i started first week in December. I'm ment to see her every week but sometimes i get left three weeks at a time. i have told them I'm struggling but feel like they take no notice. two weeks ago i was rushed to a and e after a councilgmp i was talking to on kid phone at my clinic was worried i would harm myself. when i came back three hours later there was nothing no extra support. I'm a house wife with two children and myhusband works away all week.
i have a physciatrirt assment tomorrow and i intend to tel himeverythi.

is it normal to feel week and funny with my chest? I'm wondering if I'm tired all the time cos i could be feeling a little depressed x

14-02-11, 13:12
Hi Scaredstiff,

I'm so sorry you feel so low. I think it's very important that you tell the psychiatrist EXACTLY how you are feeling. Before you go it might be an idea to write everything down because if you are anything like me you'll feel under pressure and will forget things.

Also, I just wanted to say that I too feel completely exhausted all the time. I've been to see my GP so many times as I'm convinced something sinister is causing the tiredness but I too have been told it's the anxiety. I struggle to get out of bed, manage to take my girls to pre-school, plod through the day feeling like I'll fall asleep at any minute and then finally it's bedtime and it's the same everyday!! I've tried keeping busy, going out in the fresh air etc etc but I'm still so tired. Just wanted to let you know you are not alone.

K xx

14-02-11, 13:30
thank you to you all
i have written it all down all ready my councillgmp came and did it with me. great two sessions have been focused on the appointment when i told her it was not worrying me. she is ment to be helping me with issues i have. Jr for cbt I'm raging how is it ment to help when i get left as long as i do.
sorry for ranting just feeling really annoyed with i all now and fed up.
the tiredness I'm convinced is due to my heart and i get fluttering in my chest but think that probably is my anxiety. just feel like everyone including family and friends have had enough of me not that i had many that would care about my anxiety any way I'm calledan attention seeker.

14-02-11, 13:31
thank you to you all
i have written it all down all ready my councillgmp came and did it with me. great two sessions have been focused on the appointment when i told her it was not worrying me. she is ment to be helping me with issues i have. Jr for cbt I'm raging how is it ment to help when i get left as long as i do.
sorry for ranting just feeling really annoyed with i all now and fed up.
the tiredness I'm convinced is due to my heart and i get flut
tering in my chest but think that probably is my anxiety. just feel like everyone including family and friends have had enough of me not that i had many that would care about my anxiety any way I'm calledan attention seeker.

macc noodle
14-02-11, 17:44
So what if you are called an attention seeker - quite clearly that is what you need - some attention to help you with your mental health issues.

Keep on with the therapy if you can and see if you can find a gp that you can talk to and who will listen to you.

We are all batting for you.


14-02-11, 19:18
thank you. just want to wake up and be me again now or just not to be so tired all the time. tonight my legs and arms are heavy and horrid. my legs have buckled on of twice. i rang doc and again told itsanxiety. i don't normally worry so much about being tired but i can't do nothing but latley. but i think i have fixatdd on the tiredness issues because of an issue with my friend.
does any one else fixate with health anxiety

14-02-11, 20:09
I think we all fixate on HA, otherwise we wouldn't need to be on here!
I'm like you though, I start worrying about the tiredness and that leads on to me worrying about all sorts of other aches & pains until the anxiety is out of control, but it always starts off with me worrying about why I am so tired!

I'm trying really hard to put what I've learnt in CBT into practice, and I've got a long way to go but I definately think I'm (I@m) headed in the right direction, finally!!!

K xx

14-02-11, 20:32
that's great news kah x x

14-02-11, 21:07
thank you. just want to wake up and be me again now or just not to be so tired all the time. tonight my legs and arms are heavy and horrid. my legs have buckled on of twice. i rang doc and again told itsanxiety. i don't normally worry so much about being tired but i can't do nothing but latley. but i think i have fixatdd on the tiredness issues because of an issue with my friend.
does any one else fixate with health anxiety

Yeah me. Have good and bad days. I get headaches, sore eyes, dizzyness, shortness of breath, weird feelings in my chest, heart flutters, feeling that my heart is missing a beat etc. Been getting it since december. Interesting to read you feel like you have heavy legs......i got this feeling today.....plus u felt really tired.

Its def health anxiety because i feel like im always constantly thinking about my health. I can feel like i dont want to walk along the street incase i get hit by a car or stabbed. And the smallest thing like seeing an ambulance can set me off.


anx mum
14-02-11, 21:14
hi all
i have seen two doctors and a nurse and all say that it is just anxiety so it is. i guess.
i also see a councilor and having cbt n week 6 and i started first week in December. I'm ment to see her every week but sometimes i get left three weeks at a time. i have told them I'm struggling but feel like they take no notice. two weeks ago i was rushed to a and e after a councilgmp i was talking to on kid phone at my clinic was worried i would harm myself. when i came back three hours later there was nothing no extra support. I'm a house wife with two children and myhusband works away all week.
i have a physciatrirt assment tomorrow and i intend to tel himeverythi.

is it normal to feel week and funny with my chest? I'm wondering if I'm tired all the time cos i could be feeling a little depressed x

H hun how u doin? Im struggling too hun how old r ur kids? Hows ur chest been?