View Full Version : Very axious trying not to google - tongue

14-02-11, 10:51
Please help me. I am very scared. I have a small white/yellowish lump on the very top of my tongue. You can't really see it, just feel it although it does look like it might be a small spot. Its in that white area so I can't really tell if it's especially white. Has anyone else had this????? Please help me. :weep:

14-02-11, 14:23
Hi Helen - by the very top of your tongue, do you mean towards the back ? If so, I've had one before and it ended up being a swollen taste bud. It's absolutely nothing to worry about and should sort itself out after a few days.

Please try not to worry about it, as it's very very rare for something to be ominous on top of the tongue.

If it's not getting any better then the best thing is to pop along to your dentist and get him/her to have a quick look, and they can soon reassure you.


14-02-11, 15:46
Thanks, lilmissunshine!

I'm afraid I was so horrible upset I got an appointment with my dentist. He says its nothing at all to be worried about. It's a fungal infection Phew! Thank you so much for the reply. I received it on my hone just before I saw the dentist and did make a big difference.
