View Full Version : Arms

14-02-11, 10:56
Guys.. Im worried. Im home alone and getting myself in such a state.

About a year ago.. I had this burning feeling in my right upper arm. I mentioned it to the doctor.. I told her it wasn't all the time just now and then. She said it sounded like muscular and something perhaps to do with my neck but seems it wasn't there all the time there is nothing they would do.

Anyway..Over a week ago I suddenly got a really bad back.. that eased and now this pain in my right upper arm is there every day. Usually when I move my arm. Ive been like this for a week now. Yesterday I noticed that my left forarm was aching as well.. almost like I had knocked it, but now today I have what feels like a sharpe pain ontop.. lower forarm.. like ontop of your wrist. Its sharp and comes and goes. To me it looks slightly swollen but ya never know.

Ive rang the docs and she said it sounds muscular and to take Ibruf. She didnt want to see me. All sorts are going through my mind... :(

14-02-11, 11:28
Hi there,

Sorry to hear that your'e in a state.. I know how it feels so well...

I've had this symptom for about 3 years now... it comes and goes... I used to convince myself that it was the onset of a heart attack!!! Anyhow, I'm now sure that it's not.. I'm still alive 3 years later despite almost daily pains / burning sensations in arms...

the doctor is right, indeed generally pain in arms / hands is referred pain from nerves / tension in the neck. Maybe try to do some relaxing neck exercises to see if it helps....

Doing things to take your mind off it will help, worrying about it wont... easily said , i know.. but i found hat the less attention i gave to it, the less it worried me and less it happened. I think when we are anxious people, we tighten up all parts of our body without realizing, and it gives us endless pains all over our bodies.

Good luck with it. Keep posting here to get support. :)

14-02-11, 12:26
G suffer with aches and pains in my shoulders neck arms and collar bone. i have been told its to do with tension and the way i hold my upper body when I'm anxious which is on a daily basis. x x

14-02-11, 15:47
thankyou both very much for your replies. Ive been trying to distract myself. I hate being like this. I feel every week there is always something. its really getting me down.

20-02-11, 10:16
Hello.. Im still suffering. I am worried sick. I still get the burning sensation and pain in my upper right arm and now.. its in the left too. My forearms ache and around the elbow are sensative to touch...(if i gently massage my forearm or the fleshy bit around the elbow thats where its sensative) sometimes I get sharp pain in the very top of both shoulders and also the palm bit on the hand just below the thumb feels weird at times and as does the back of the hand. Ive woke up this morning and I dont know if this is all related but the muscles in the back of my legs hurt and both o uter thighs are sore .. I feel a bit flushed too. I have a appointment in the morning but im sat here worried sick.

20-02-11, 10:31
Hi Nicky, sorry you are so distraught. Just relax until you go see your physician. I am sure everything will get straightened out. Worrying about the problem won't solve anything - just make it worse.