View Full Version : cant cope feeling like this anymore

anx mum
14-02-11, 10:58
Everyday is a struggle:weep:hate feeling like this feel so ill chest pains and cant breath sick of it just want to be well

14-02-11, 13:15
Hey hun,

Just try to remember that you've had a diagnosis now of Costochondritis which is not life threatening, only very painful, so rest and you will get better. I'm sure the anxiety will not help with your recovery.

K xx

14-02-11, 13:32
Bev you are making the pain worse by being anxious about it .This condition needs rest and sitting on a computer incorrectly can also aggravate it .Avoid lifting anyting too heavy and stretching too far .Heat applied to the area and Ibuprofen will help the pain .Have you tried doing the relaxation and breathing excercises I wrote you about on another thread ? This will all go eventually ,but getting yourself all worked up every day is only making it worse .I f you are in a constant state of anxiety you pick up on every little thing you feel and ts magnified 100 times .You know what it is ,and nothing last forever .So try to adopt a more positive outlook ,maybe read some books on the subject .It will do more good than wasting you life posting on here all he time ..You will get better as soon as you do something to help yourself .You have done it before ..You can do it again ..Take care Sue x