View Full Version : What is shortness of breath ?

14-02-11, 11:11
Hi all

I know this is going to sound strange but what exactly is shortness of breath ?

For the last week or so, I'm very conscious of my breathing and feel that I sometimes have to breathe much more deeply to properly fill my lungs with air. Is that really shortness of breath ? I have no chest pain and my blood pressure is normal.

I don't think it helps that I had a DVT last year, and I've had some recurrent aches in my calf again lately, which has kicked my HA back in that I've now got small PEs developing (my mum died of an undiagnosed PE and my haematologist told me it looks from early tests that I do have a genetic clotting disorder)

Would really appreciate some advice.

Thanks very much, LMS.

20-04-11, 19:08
I cant believe no one answered this... I get awareness of breathing a lot... I have read this is a common symptom of anxiety...Its listed here in the section on anxiety symptoms... as for the clotting thing Im not a doctor so i Really couldnt help there but the breathing thing....i think is anxiety.. When I get it, my heart is beating at a normal regular beat...not sure about BP but when you are truly short of breath I think your heart would beat faster and you would make noises when you breathe.. thats just my opinion...sorry ypu are having issues and hope you feel better