View Full Version : Currently on 10mg

14-02-11, 12:43
and wasn't particularly bothered about upping the dosage any. I made an appointment with the quack and then cancelled.

Since then, however, I've had another think and have made another appointment for a couple of weeks time. I was just wondering - will I notice a real difference if I only go up to 15 or 20 mg. I don't particularly want to go much higher than that - don't think there's any real need, but I have trouble staying asleep throughout the night and I'm getting some funny nerve pains in my head. Not sure cit would help with those anyway, but one can hope.

What do you think?


14-02-11, 12:53
Kinda keep going a bit dizzy too - puts a cramp on your day somewhat..... :/

15-02-11, 12:05
Thanks Ally. Still not sure but will think about it and discuss with me doctor. :) xx