View Full Version : Back,chest and shoulder issues

14-02-11, 12:51
Hi Guys

I am back again...i think it is safe to assume i am back in health anxiety hell :weep:

I have a problem with my back still constantly aches and it is a ache not a pain it hurts if i twist bend sidewards anything basically it comes over my shoulders and if i press my chest just above my breasts it hurts it feels muscular but of course to me its the sign of a heart attack

I lost my mam in 2008 she had a sudden heart attack no warning no ill health other than she complained her shoulders ached so of course i am terrified i have been docs with it before had blood tests although this is over a year ago now and all was fine i feel like my shoulders are up near my ears all the time and i just can not relax home life isnt great right now so stress would be in my life if it was to be that but i am just so scared anyone else ever had anything simiar? or knows someone who did? i just could do with someone who has or has had the same

Thanks so much guys :unsure:

14-02-11, 15:47
hi there, yes i can relate . i used to get (and still do get) muscular problems and felt like it was impossibe to physically relax. i was put on propranolol and they changed my life. i finally could relax after taking the first one (they work in half an hour) for the first time in months. where like you say my shoulders actually went to where they should be and not near my ears lol. have you looked into these? ps my heart was my biggest worry too x

14-02-11, 20:16
Hi Victoria thanks so much for your reply I am so comforted that someone else has had this problem too....what do you suggest I do? Has yours eased now? How did you do it? Sorry for all the questions but do you think it is anxietyt? Thanks again :-)

14-02-11, 22:22
propranolol give me a new lease of life. i kid you not i dont know where id be without that stuff. i took 3 x 40 mg every day and i just always felt relaxed, i couldnt get wound up, no shoulders up to my ears, no horrific shooting pains in chest, no palps. sounds like a dream doesnt it haha. i took them for a few months until most of my panic went (which was all health anx). i havnt had one for about 2 years now although i was very close a few weeks ago but purely because i have asthma now i didnt. your not supposed to take them if you have asthma. it kind of stops all adrenaline as such and just relaxes your entire body really. not so much that you are zombified. although im not going to lie, i was on a pretty high dose because my anx was through the roof, and every now and again i did feel a bit 'slow'. definatly nothing to worry about through and not that someone would look at you like your away with the fairies haha. give it a try, see your gp- they are incredible , let me know how you get on and feel free to ask any questions at all. xx

15-02-11, 00:38
I wish propranolol did that for me. I'm plauged with muscle problems at the moment.

15-02-11, 17:57
Hi All........had a shocking day today was sure I was having a heart attack my chest felt tight I was hot I kep checking to see if my lips had gone blue it was a nightmare after I feel tired and fed up could this really be anxiety?????

Laura xx
16-02-11, 10:56
I know exactly what you are going through. I lost my mum to a sudden heart attack in 2004, and ever since I have been convinced I have got a heart problem! I get a very tight chest a lot and it aches. I can never fully relax, which in turn has given me shoulder and arm pain.

I know it's no fun and I have learnt to live with it! I also sometimes get shooting pains up through my chest that catch me unawares :(

It is just very unfortunate that panic intensfies the symptoms ie pins and needles, tight chest, hot flushes, aches and pains - and makes up feel that something really is wrong!

I hope you are having a better day today x

16-02-11, 20:27
Hi Laura........Thanks so much for your reply I am sorry for your loss it is horrible isn't it? I have also been ill since losing my mam which is just over 2 years now I am terrified that I am going to have heart problems and also feel selfish because although I miss my mam so so much I feel its all about me if you know what I mean........I get a bit of more or less everything you have mentioned and I long for the day when I feel well again but I don't think I ever will :-( today has been a better day let's hope tomorrow is too thanks again x