View Full Version : Cant breath

anx mum
14-02-11, 14:17
Feel like im suffocatting :weep: whats this feeling of not getting enough air?

14-02-11, 15:06
Hi, I think it is called air hunger or could it be asthma?

14-02-11, 15:08
bev, you know you have costochondritis. you need rest, the pain will be making you panic and breathless.

14-02-11, 15:09
have you had a chest x ray maybe you should ask for one to put your mind at ease ,if your focusing on your breathing it can make it so much worse

anx mum
14-02-11, 15:14
have you had a chest x ray maybe you should ask for one to put your mind at ease ,if your focusing on your breathing it can make it so much worse

what would xray show got docs in abit gonna tell him bout breathng

14-02-11, 15:19
why are you going back to the docs?

you know it's not a clot,
you have had ecgs, various tests

and you have been diagnosed with costochondritis

what meds for anxiety are you on?

anx mum
14-02-11, 15:31
see gp every week. on various meds loperazm, propanel,

14-02-11, 15:44
a chest x ray might show if you have infection ,its always best to do all checks if the breathing not getting better,