View Full Version : STRESS

01-04-06, 09:03
I feel i am doing a lot better at controling my anxiety and have made made some progress in the things that i have been avoiding.
The thing is its a lot easier when you know you are being irrational. I was just wondering if anyone had any advice on coping with real stress.

The other day my partner was in a bad mood and stormed out the house so i ended up a shaking wreck, crying and panicking. then yesterday the kids on our street were pestering, staring in the window and knocking on the door and running away (this isn't the first time and they usually do something annoying everytime they play out) anyway if you go out and speak to them you just get loads of lip in return. I completely freaked out, i just couldn't bear the annoyance and i ended up seeing one of there mothers about it, im sure she thinks i am crazy now. I did go and appologise for overreacting.
If i am put under any kind of strain i just snap and end up this shaking fool, crying and overreacting.

How do you lot deal with stressful things?
Any advice?

01-04-06, 09:55
Hey poppy,
when you suffer from panic attacks and anxiety, it can be difficult to cope with little, everyday stress. what you have to do is just tell yourself that you can handle this, and that your feelings wont last. before you overreact, perhaps just excuse yourself and go and calm down a bit- essentials oils are good for calming.
i know how you feel. yesterday id just bought a new dress, and i was taking it off (its a bit tight) and i couldnt get the zip down, couldnt get out of it, and i started panicking. eventually i got the zip down, but i was convinced it was broken, couldnt get it to work again, and i started crying, took it downstairs to my mum and said it was broken then stormed back upstairs, really upset. then mum came up, having fixed it. so we all overreact to stuff!!
hope that helped a bit.

love katie xxx

01-04-06, 10:04
Hi Poppy Sorry you are going through it at the moment, can i just say that you were right to go and talk to this mother, being harrassed by whoever is not right, next time ring the police and let them deal with them.

Are you on any medication? If not i would go and see your GP and explain how you are feeling. It does seem that you need something to help combat how you are feeling.

I hope you will soon be feeling better.
