View Full Version : Dreams & ambitions

14-02-11, 16:01
Hi All

We all suffer with different forms of anxiety and I am sure it other does or has held us back from fulfilling the actions we wish to take in life...

For example I don't like to be far from home or medical amenities when in my anxiety / panic zone... I over came this and since first sufferring with my disorder through to today I have broken this somewhat and been so many places.... Russia :ohmy: being one of them... that's the kind of place I'd never dream of being able to cope cos of my disorder... did i have panic attacks and anxiety whilst there? oh yes I certainly did but I still went there. As with all the other places I have been in that time.

Right now I couldn't do anything like that I am in a very bad place mentally and somewhat physically at the moment

But my real dream is to truly travel, visit far flung places, meet real local people who are so different to myself, to visit wilderness beauty spots and be completely alone relaxed and comforatable.... something unimaginable right now & something I couldn't have even done whilst in a good place.... but I am setting my goals high and one day believe I will be able to achieve this... it's hard to contemplate when I had a panic attack in the lake district when in a remote spot and my car started making funny noises ... but one day I will overcome this.

The fact I have had this for 7 years and I'm still here and managed to do so many things means I must be able to overcome this and lead a "normal" life

please feel free to share your dreams and experiences :)