View Full Version : Hello, Everyone

14-02-11, 16:59
I found this website a few weeks ago when I was trying to calm my anxiety. I was looking for information, and the words that I typed into the search engine caused this forum to come up. There are people here who have wonderful answers to questions that I did not know how to ask.

I have suffered from various forms and levels of anxiety all my life. I have not really had much luck getting help from doctors, but that is probably my fault since I do not want to take medication. A social worker told me that she believed I have PTSD, and that is the only label I have ever been given. However, sometimes I have symptoms that are like phobias or OCD. Twice when I was overwhelmed by stress, I had some sort of attacks that a friend called “anxiety attacks,” but I am not sure if I should call them panic attacks.

I do not have much experience with message forums. In fact, this is only the second time I have ever joined a forum and posted anything. Since I was able to overcome some shyness and anxiety to write this introduction, then there must be something really amazing about No More Panic. I am very happy to meet you all. I hope I will be able to make some friends.

Thank you very much for being here.

14-02-11, 17:00
Hi Katherine

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

14-02-11, 17:17
Hi Katherine. Welcome to NMP. You are a wonderful person and you will find the strength. I am going through the same I think constant anxiety it is relentless but we will get through this.:hugs:

14-02-11, 18:21
Hello Katherine

This is a good site, there is a lot of help here.

I am interested when you say that you don't want to take medication. Ask yourself why that is....I was exactly the same, was finally persuaded after some time and it was what I needed. Have a think about it.

But welcome

Take care Thyme

Vanilla Sky
14-02-11, 21:23
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

18-02-11, 02:17
Thank you for the welcome.

Thyme – I think that the main reason I do not want to take medication is that I am afraid of unpleasant side effects. Also, I was under the impression that many anti-anxiety medications can be addictive, but I do not really know if that is true. However, I am willing to listen to other people’s experience and rethink my attitudes. Thank you very much for sharing your experience. I am pleased to meet you.

Buster – I would like to express my appreciation for your kind words and support. When I read your comment, I smiled spontaneously for the first time in months! You certainly brightened my day. I am sorry it has taken me so long to reply, but I do not have the best social skills, and I am finding it difficult to think of what to say. I am happier than I was before I posted my introduction, and now I feel that I have some hope. Thank you. It is a pleasure to meet you.