View Full Version : What's gotten into me?........

14-02-11, 20:04
As some may know, I moved house on Saturday.

Today i had to go sign the paperwork for my new home. I have been absolutely dreading it as the place i had to go is WAYYYYYY outside my comfort zone.

Anyhoo i got there and my housing officer was running late and didn't come back into the office for another 20 minutes. I amazed myself by being panic free. I was in the housing office for an hour and i was absolutely fine.

When i got home, myself and my mum were discussing ordering an online shop from asda but my friend Jim said why are you doing that Lisa, i will take you to Morrisons. I laughed it off then i thought, do it Lisa, you can do it.

AND I DID IT :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:

£93 later i am now a VERY VERY VERY happy person and i hope this new house was the best move i ever made.

A very happy BB no 'e'


14-02-11, 20:23
Well done my fabtasticle mate!

Hypnotising you last night must of done the tricky poos hehe.


Now for the stuffed crust...


14-02-11, 21:21
Well done Lisa, that brilliant news. :yesyes:

14-02-11, 21:27
How brill Lisa/BB with no ee's xxxx :D:yesyes:

14-02-11, 21:29
clever girl xxxxxxxx

14-02-11, 21:39

14-02-11, 21:44
Well done mate. :yesyes::hugs:

You know you can keep doing this so I expect to read more successes this week :winks:

Keep at it and it does get easier.


14-02-11, 21:52
well done god bless

14-02-11, 21:55
:yahoo:Well done Lisa .Keep it up and you will soon be able to enjoy life again .:yesyes:You deserve a big hug and should be proud of yourself ..:bighug1:luv Sue xxBS

14-02-11, 22:56
I had every faith in you lisa that you could do this :)

I am so very proud of you and you now have to keep up the weekly shopping as i'll be checking up on you.

I always say and i always will "The thought is worse than the deed"

You did fab today and a huge pat on the back to you :hugs:

A massive well done to you.

di xxx

macc noodle
14-02-11, 23:12
Hey BB with no e - absolutey brilliantly well done!!!!!

Hope the new home is a great success and you enjoyed your shopping :D


14-02-11, 23:13
Congratulations!!!!!!! :)

18-02-11, 20:24
Thank you all so much :hugs:

I love my new house and i love being back in Ladywell.

It's really odd because i thought i would freak out at some point as my last house was my safe place but there has been no freaking, infact it just feels really natural to be here.

The only blip i had was when i went to my local shop. The area is very familier because i grew up here but it's been sooooo long since i walked that walk, that i did struggle a bit. I did make it there and back in the end and thank you to 'Oor Di' for ringing me when i needed support.

It's going to take me time but i just know this was the best thing i could have done to change my life. Even my Ben is impressed with his auld mama lol.

Thank you all again for you friendship and support, It means alot to me.


BB no 'e' aka Lisa


magpie girl
18-02-11, 21:13
Lisa i am so happy for you,its amazing how a house move can change your mind set:D:D I hope things just get better and better you deserve it mate xxxxxxx

margaret jones
18-02-11, 21:22
Well done have a :hugs: you are a star xxx

eternally optimistic
18-02-11, 21:50
Well done Lisa

Hope you got yourself something nice at Morrisons to celebrate :)

18-02-11, 22:10
Happy for you lisa, the time will come when you don't even think about what you are doing, when, how, or were, Is this me YES !!!!! believe in the best it will happen xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
night my friend you are doing great love christine xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

18-02-11, 22:39

18-02-11, 22:43
So pleased for you BB - well done matey poos ;)


18-02-11, 22:44

Vanilla Sky
18-02-11, 23:15
Well done Lisa , keep pushing yourself out of your comfort zone even if it's only for a short time . You can do it !! :yahoo:

Paige xx

19-02-11, 09:06
Fantastic Lisa , what an achievement , good luck for you and Ben in your new home , onwards and upwards matey x x x :yesyes::yahoo:

19-02-11, 09:27
BB me fab mate,

You are doing amazing, its bound to feel a bit scary going to the shops there as its different, its not the shop you are used to going to, but...................you did it :yahoo:
We have supported each other through the "iffy" moments and remember i am only a phone call away, i can still help you kick that agora's butt down the phone :winks:

Well done hun :bighug1:
di xxx

19-02-11, 16:20
Well Done, Lisa. You should be proud of yourself.
I hope the new move is going well for you and that you will be happy in your new home :flowers:


07-03-11, 13:21
Just a wee update as ive not been here alot recently as i'm waiting to have my internet connected in my new house.


I'm still managing to get out a bit more. Today i went out with friends. Normally i could only go somewhere with my mum as she is my safe person but today i went to the doctors, Morrisons, Farm foods, the chemist and post office. WOW that was a biggy. No panic set in at all and i found that i quite enjoyed myself. :blush:

So to all agoraphobics out there. NEVER loose the faith and think you will never live a normal life again because it CAN and WILL happen. I have a long way to go still before i would call my life 'normal' but i sure as hell am determind to keep up the fight.

Big thankyou to Di for being my back up!! It always helps knowing you have someone who knows what you are going through at the other end of the phone if you need them. Cheers me darlin Bootsie. :hugs:

C'mon folks, we can do this!!!!!

Love Lisa

07-03-11, 13:45
welldone lisa thats really brilliant news and such a big step, hugs Donna xx

08-03-11, 12:08
Thank you Donna :hugs: xx