View Full Version : really scared poop problem

14-02-11, 21:10
right this is quite embarassing
I am not gay but that is not relevant i was mearly experimenting around with anal play nothing major, i then went into the shower after where i washed myself with lotion, when it touched my anal opening it stung real bad.......
ever since that had happened i have been pooping more frequently and have been more gassey
i would normally have one big poo but then throughout the day hav a tiny one whenever i went, and i always could
please help!!!!

14-02-11, 22:27
Please reply im scared

14-02-11, 22:28
Sounds like you set your Anxiety off to me .Unless you had inserted something like shower gel or soap it wouldnt have affected your bowel motions .I suspect the soreness you experienced set off the anxiety process ,this will cause a nervous reaction thus make you go more .Put some sudocrem on your sore patch .It will get better in a few days and stop stressing .You will go normally once your nerves settle down ..T/c Sue

14-02-11, 22:46
You posted this in December:


What you do in private is up to you (and your sexuality is not our business!) but if you are worried about the outcome of your experimentation then maybe you should think a bit more carefully.

14-02-11, 23:09
Maybe you could find a suitable sexual based forum to post these things on as they are used to graphic details etc and can advise better.

15-02-11, 00:16
or posting in the male forum?

15-02-11, 00:22
Okay, I'll step forward here and speak very directly to you. The anal orafice will very naturally experience significant inflammation and discomfort due to the practices or experimentation you've described in this and former similar postings. Despite your sexual orientation, you need to be reminded that practices such as those being described are well outside the scope and normal function of the anus so any subsequent apprehension should not be of surprise to you at all. Your previous experimental efforts appear to have fostered no insight as well.

I will also agree with others making response that the subject matter in general is entirely unsuitable for this particular forum. My suggestion would be to steer your inquiry in the direction of the underlying reasons for the practice itself, not the outcome.

Best regards,

Rutheford Rane, MD (ret.)

15-02-11, 09:11
Youre bound to be a bit sore afterwards. Even after Vaginal sex, which that organ is designed for, you can be sore. The skin down there is sensitive and any kind of friction will cause a small bit of damage. It will however heal within a few days.
The only draw back for you is that whilst its healing you will need to go to the toilet, which could make it sore again if youve go any tears in the skin.

15-02-11, 10:29
If I'm reading correctly the guys 16 and suffers from anxiety just like us. Plenty of people on this forum start threads about some sort of sexual activity without been made to feel bad about posting ok they might not go into as much detail but still give the lad a break, as debs said on the other thread from december which someone put as a link we write things in a state of panic. I'm sure he didn't mean any harm:)

15-02-11, 11:54
Just a thought....

If you are going to explore further, might it be a good idea to order some items designed for such enjoyment..... there are plenty of online stores.....with an abundance of lubrications to stop future abrasions.

Then you might not have to post again in a year with a similar story!

15-02-11, 12:11
I appreciate the OP sufferers from anxiety but this site is open to the world so anyone goolging a similar experience will find this site and think it is ok to post about such things and to be honest I don't want it turning into a sexual health site as well.

15-02-11, 12:26
This is Nic's site and I think it should be her call as to the type of posts she wants on here.

Whether people like it or not, there does have to be a line drawn when it comes to graphic detail and sexual posts.

15-02-11, 12:35
If ya gonna stick a strange object where the sun don,t shine expect to get problems , simple really .

Also agree its not a suitable subject for on this kind of forum . You could try eating a red hot curry , it won,t cure the problem for you but it would show you what your backside is normally used for .

15-02-11, 13:01
and here we go again ladybird tbf my post wasn't aimed at nicola ladybird as yes it is her site.

15-02-11, 13:02
What are you talking about? :shrug:

15-02-11, 13:16
I'm just sayin my post wasn't aimed at nicola ofcourse she should decide what's on her site and what's not. I was just sayin that give him a break he's 16 and wanted a little help ok maybe he come to the wrong place with the nature of the problem but some people do just post in panic and maybe he felt this was the only place he could do it. You didn't have to point out a previous thread and then tell him to think more carefully before doing something it just comes wrong unless I read your posts wrongly and you don't mean them that way then I'm sorry. I meant we have been here before (me n u) over posts but like I said if I read them wrong I'm sorry. Its just how they come across to me. But at the end of the day he's just a boy wanting a bit of advice.

15-02-11, 13:27
the lads hardly gone into detail regarding what he has done & was probably very concerned to post something embarrassing... I am guessing what you have been experiencing is very normal. You're gonna cause some minor discomfort in such situations.... I suggest you do some research as to suitable aids for such activities

I reckon you'll be fine, what I suggest you do is learn from your mistakes though as you've already posted the same thing twice

15-02-11, 13:54
I agree that this post was not graphic and if it is not suitable for this site perhaps the posters could make sure they are explaining this in a gentle manner.

Many people straight/gay/female indulge in this activity, it is in the mainstream nowadays and should be seen the same way as others of us who post about sexual anxieties. Agreed this is Nicola's site and she should decide what is posted, but perhaps the rest of us can hold back a little when judging what is suitable and let her make the decision. This poster is 16 and anxious and indulging in activity that is not abnormal.

Now, for the poster. I agree with the above that you should find some more information on how to do this safely. There are products you can buy that will help protect you from damage. As RLR says, no one can guarantee that no damage will be done through pursuing this activity as it is more dangerous than vaginal sex when it comes to injury, but you should know the risks and make your own choice.

15-02-11, 14:28
Why do you pick out my post in particular Sammi, because I highlighted a previous post that was about the same subject? Would it have been right for me to say go ahead, put whatever you want up your backside and don't worry about the consequences?

I told him to think carefully..what is wrong with that? Surely if he wants to continue experimenting then he needs to be at least a little aware that what he is doing could cause him problems physically.

It is extremely common for previous posts to be highlighted as this helps to avoid repetition of advice, it is also useful for those who want to answer to be aware if someone has an ongoing problem and advise accordingly.

As for being here before Sammi, I don't worry about that sort of thing. If someone has an issue with my posts then I will always gladly discuss what I have written and my reasons for doing so.

15-02-11, 14:29
Well, I suppose these things happen and I'm pretty sure that the A and E have seen their share of embarrassed faces now and again with regards to sexual curiosity getting the better of some people.

However, strongly advise you stay away from the Hoover!


15-02-11, 14:37
Would a simple solution be to either hide the male and female issue forums from bots, or even use a .htaccess file to change the way Google etc index the site?

I have seen much more sexually explicit posts than this on the site, but I understand where you are coming from.

As for the OP I would advise getting something proper to use to do 'that'. There are plenty of places around and loads online. If you need to know where feel free to PM.

15-02-11, 14:38
Well, I suppose these things happen and I'm pretty sure that the A and E have seen their share of embarrassed faces now and again with regards to sexual curiosity getting the better of some people.

However, strongly advise you stay away from the Hoover!


someone had to bring a touch of comedy to the table, well done horse :yesyes:

15-02-11, 14:47
Like I said ladybird if I read your post wrong I'm sorry but how you worded it may have made me read it wrongly you came across in a judging way and like I said the boys 16. I didn't single out your thread but when Nicola replied to my post you then replied saying a line needs to be drawn at graphic details and sexual posts and as other posters have pointed out it was hardly graphic detail. And to be honest who are we to judge as the above poster said this is Nicolas site so she should decide what's posted and we should hold back on judging. You said its got to be nics call to what's posted fare enough but I didn't say nic don't tell him not post I said he was been made to feel bad about posting meaning with peoples replys. Again sorry if I read your post wrong.

15-02-11, 15:22
This is no big deal but I was just trying to ask helpme to maybe look for a sexual related forum to post these sorts of things on in the future - I have suggested this to other posters posting similar things in the past too.

The male/female related problems forums came about as we have a lot of females suffering increased anxiety and panic when on their periods or just before and the male forum was because we have quite a few worried about erection problems when taking medication and some about testicular cancer.

These I feel are directly related to NMP and were put in sub-forums as some members may not want to read those posts so can now choose to ignore that forum if they want to.

I wasn't intending to open up these forums to all kinds of personal sexual issues - that was all I was trying to say.

helpme never replied to the thread Ange linked to in December and hasn't replied to this one either so I am not sure he is that worried about things or now daren't reply to this one !