View Full Version : fears returning

anx mum
14-02-11, 21:11
Many of u know i am struggling with health anxiety at mo getting chest pains bad breathing and dizziness. A few weeks ago the doc run some tests as my worry was a blood clot as my mother died from one. All came bk normal was happy test was normal but was confused as the pain seemed bad. Still getting chest pains doc thinks its my muscles inflamed my mind keeps thinking bout clots again im so scared

14-02-11, 21:37
hun iam also haven hard time with breathing and being dizzynesss,and iam haven sharp pains in my head bad and i also have been checked for blood clots to cause i worrie so much about them......i wish u well hun tc ,,if u ever need to talk pm me hunni..

14-02-11, 21:41
You have been given a diagnosis Bev .You have been given advice but dont seem to be the slight bit interested in this .Instead you create yet another thread about the same problems .I suggest you start trying to do something about your Anxiety .The breathing problems and pain are temporary .Go back to basics and learn how you can help yourself .This is only making you worse .All you are doing is thinking about your symptoms and this is not the answer .Perhaps you could read through the replies you have already had lately .As i dont think anyone can say anything different they havnt said before .You must lose your fear and try to focus on other things .Instead of coming on here seeking constant reasurance .This may seem rather harsh but I dont believe all the sympathy you get is doing you anygood .I suspect this latest bout of HA is due to hormone fluctuations after your baby .Or possibly a form of PND .Go see your Dr and discuss the effect this is having on you ,and try to help yourself a bit more hun .It wont improve until you do .You can do this again ,you did it before .Only you can do it no one else .T/c luv Sue x

14-02-11, 21:43
Bev - I did ask about the headaches in a previous reply but you never replied to me.

What happened with them in the end as this is a similar thing happening.

Then you disappeared from here for months and months so what happened in that time?

anx mum
14-02-11, 21:47
Bev - I did ask about the headaches in a previous reply but you never replied to me.

What happened with them in the end as this is a similar thing happening.

Then you disappeared from here for months and months so what happened in that time?

Headaches went on for months doc put me on pregablin which helped them eventually they subsided.

14-02-11, 22:12
I'm a big worrier and seek reas surance all the time too but that just gets me so angry cos i no deep down I'm fine. x i have never had tests done cos i never asked and doc never felt i needed them. x
my muscles in my chest are so bad at the moment but i believe the nurse i say now she explaidd to me why we get them.
when your anxious and panic the way you are and trying to control your breathing I'm guessing the way i am we use muscles that most people don't really use. we over work them so bad and that's where the pain comes from that and anxiety x
my friend is a nurse and when i was bad with saying i wasn't breathing she would say so how come your talking coughing yawning?
i ask her nt to explim in too much detail about how i would no if i wasn't in case i then imagine them and she simply said you would no but you have no reason to worry. people don't just stop breathing if you developed breathing diff you would be gasping and would not be able to panic x x but you have no reason chick x x

14-02-11, 22:13
Why not just keep one daily thread going and add to it with how you feel rather than creating several a day.

Also post on it positive things that have happened and what you are doing each day to help yourself.