View Full Version : Amoxcillin????

15-02-11, 00:59
Hey guys,

So I went to the docs since this nast cold/cough was causing me a tight chest and burning and he gave me 6 antibiotics than I named in the thread.

But I'm actually really terrified because ofcource they give you a high dose(500mg) and he sadi I should be fine when I'm done the cource.

I just drank the tablet but I'm scared and I don't wanna google the possible side effects. I'm gonna be ok right?:weep:

15-02-11, 01:04
You'll be fine. It'll help with your infection.

15-02-11, 11:36
don't read the leaflet or internet as they always tell you the rarest side effects.

The most common side effect from antibiotics is that you may feel sick and have lots of wind and loose bowels while you are taking them - not everyone gets this but it is the most common and it usually occurs about two days into taking them and goes away two days after you stop.

Females run the risk of getting thrush after antibiotics but again loads of people dont but if you get very itchy and sore down below after taking the antibiotics don't panic just see the chemist for some treatment.

The only time you need to be concerned is if you suddenly become covered in huge red wheals ( large rings) and all your face swells up alarmingly. this is not something you would miss and everyone who saw you would say my god whats happened to you - this means you are allergic to the drug and of course you would stop it and see a Dr straight away but this is so rare as to be off the scale and you would not be sitting on a computer saying I wonder what this might be:D

99.9% chance you will take the antibiotics and only thing to happen is that your chest gets better:yesyes:

Sorry Mark just read your name so ignore the bit about thrush!!!!!!!!!!

15-02-11, 12:21
Hi mark.
Do u mean 6 tablets or 6 different types? 500mg is a standard adult dose of penicillin. It is safer than paracetamol! Rest assured you'll be completely fine. I have worked in pharmacy :)