View Full Version : Scared about ms

15-02-11, 02:35
I have this terrible obsession with having ms and this time its driving me crazy. I have a patch on my back that is a little numb. I noticed this when I scratch my back. Im scared this could be ms. My doc said I don't have other symptoms and he doesn't usually see this symptom on the back but rather on legs and arms. I also have a numb patch on my thigh that has been there for as long as I can remember- and the doc said it could be that the numb patch on my back could just be how my body is. I have has this numbness on my back for more than a few months but no other symptoms. Help!! Wha do you guys think? I am so worried I am unable to function.

15-02-11, 04:43
I think I would listen to your doctor and be assured that you do not have MS. If he really thought there was a chance that you did, he would have referred you to someone for more testing.

15-02-11, 07:51
Hi My son has MS and what your saying doesnt sound like MS..if you Dr thought it MAY be MS he would request a MRI of your brain.x