View Full Version : Feeling really down :((

15-02-11, 06:19
I've been suffering with GAD for about 7 months now. The first 4 months were the hardest for me..I would be constantly worried all day.

Now I am living my life doing normal things but I can't seem to shake the reminding thoughts of my anxiety. Not a day has gone by since this has started that I havent thought about it. I'm getting really depressed and down because I'm starting to think that I am going to have to live like this and I'll never be able to shake the thoughts of it.

I feel that if I could just forget about this I'd be able to move on. I just cant shake it though and I'm starting to worry..

It's like since I know that I have anxiety I can't pull myself out of this state of mind because I am convinced there is something wrong with me mentally.

Is there any hope to getting over it and moving past it? I'm only 21 Years!! The thought of having to live like this for the rest of my life scares me :((

15-02-11, 06:36
I know how you feel love, when i get bad days like that mentally i think i'm gonna end up in a hospital locked up! I'm only 23 and think it shouldn't be like this for us we should be at our prime and experiencing life!
The only thing i can suggest to you, as its the only thing i know how to do at the moment (and probably sounds a bit wet!) but when you get these anxious thoughts just concentrate on the people in your life who make you happy. For me i have an amazing boyfriend, our own house, great friends and the cutest dog in the world! Thinking about the things like this is your life is always guarantee'd to put a smile on your face even when these anxious thoughts start to intrude.
Hope this helps in some way!
Jen x

15-02-11, 09:20
Feeling down is so bad for the people.It may cause the depression and stress.So always be happy nad wear a smile for the healthy life.

15-02-11, 09:54
You will get over it and forget about it eventually! I have lived with it for 9 years on and off. When I feel good, it doesn't really cross my mind. Keep yourself busy and active, both physically and mentally!