View Full Version : Ladies - citalopram and time of the month

15-02-11, 09:41
Hi everyone,

I was wondering if anyone had found having their period affects the effectiveness of Citalopram. I'm on week 6 at 20mg now, and felt I had made enormous progress in the last few weks, I had really started to feel that I was able to cope again, had my appetite back and was doing well.

However, these last couple of weeks I feel I've gone downhill and have started to get very anxious. I noticed I wasn't feeling great last week and then my period started. I've been on the contaceptive pill Cerazette for the past few months, without having any periods so when it came it was a surprise and made me feel quite uneasy. My period has been heavier and lasted longer than it had done on my previous pill, and I'm wondering if this is anything to do with why I've had a setback. The first sign was sleep disturbance, as I started waking up at 5am, unable to get back to sleep, and since then my appetite has started to go too, which is horrible as I'd been so glad to have it back. I have no idea if the two things are connected, but it would be good to know if anyone else has had similar experiences, especially where the contraceptive pill is concerned.

Any thoughts would be much appreciated. I really want a good night's sleep, to have my appetite again and to feel like I did a couple of weeks ago. I really thought Citalopram was helping and this seems like such a blow.



15-02-11, 20:30
In terms of your AF and Citalopram - then yes your hormone levels will affect your body and the Citalopram. This is nothing to be alarmed by, thats just how your body works.

In terms of the pill, I dont think it will be affected by the Cipalopram. If you havent had a period for a while just to the pill then your period will naturally be heavier and longer because you are shedding your wall from months of not having your period.

If you are concerned then you should talk to your doctor about it and maybe talk about trying a different form on contraception.

16-02-11, 10:41
Thanks for replying, Stezzle, I really appreciate it. I'm going to have to wait things out and see if I start to feel better again once AF's gone. If not, maybe I need to up my dose of Citalopram, but I really hope things improve. Thanks for your advice - wise words!

Hope you're feeling well today, take care. xx

16-02-11, 16:21
My time of the month definitely affects my citalopram. I feel anxious and I do not sleep as well as usual. After my period comes and my hormones settle down, i feel better again. Its a pain but now i know that it is just my hormones, I can accept that and just ride it out now.

16-02-11, 17:58
That's quite reassuring to hear I'm not alone, thanks Leesy! It's rubbish, I think because this one was unexpected and lasting ages it's made things feel worse. The sleeping really threw me off kilter. I should maybe think about changing my pill, I hear Cerazette has been known to drive people crazy! (not that I need any help in that department :wacko:). Thanks again. xx

24-02-11, 22:06
I'm just ending my TOM and during it, I felt anxious and cried easy and very tired, low motivation. That's how it always is, but still. My perception like, changed on my TOM this month.