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15-02-11, 10:56
does any one else suffer with extreme tiredness?
i have no energy i thought it was becausm i was not sleeping properly or because i have grown lazy with my anxiety. but i am now sleeping and norm motivated but its still bad.
my arms and legs are like lead weights and eyes are always shutting my chest is pain full and my throat is sore.

is their any hope I'mso fed up now i want my life back
i have no energy at alt for my two little boys I'm snappy all the time. my family stay away all the time cos of my anxiety. i spend my days worrying and feeling lonley
i can't take any more i cant. if there is no hope of ever feeling better o like the old me then can some one shoot me now. cos i have nothing left any more.

15-02-11, 11:22

I think I replied to your other post about tiredness but yes I can definately identify with you. I feel shattered from morning til night, even though I sleep for 8+ hours each night!

Like you I struggle to do things with my 2 daughters (2 & 4) and find myself snapping at them. I think I may be stuck in a rut though, I've got so used to being lethargic and tired that I do very little which in turn gives me less energy. When I've made the effort to take them for a walk or to the park I've felt ok and enjoyed myself. But the minute I walk back through my front door I feel shattered again, I think it's my mind associating being in the house with being tired. We all know more than most how powerful the mind can be!!

I've got a cold at the moment so feel pants but as soon as I'm over this I'm going to make a real effort to get out & about every day and see if that makes a difference. Do you go out much?

K xx

15-02-11, 11:47
i don't no i would have to say probably not. i think like you I'm stuck in a rut. go at the doctors now I'm going to express everything with him. I'm seeing a diff doctor today i need them to listen to me now I'm going to get him to explain everything to me now and check me then i have made the decision to believe hhim
well i started writing that before i went in.
i went in i asked how he could help i explained how i was mentally feeling i tried to explain my tiredness and chesst and he said no what are you doing here yo have anxiety what do Wu want me to do? I'm not checking anything cos not have anxiety. i hadn't even asked for anything i never do he again asked what did i want i got upset and said i need help and he said we are keeping this short there is nothing wrong see your councilgmt they are not helping either

i just have to stay in this hell.

15-02-11, 11:59
Oh hun, I'm so sorry you aren't getting the help you need. Is there a different GP you could see? I've been to the doctors many times over the past few months and it's luck of the draw, some GPs are fantastic and some are cr*p!

K xx

15-02-11, 12:07
Hi Scaredstiff,did you GP say hes not checking you over as its anxiety? x

15-02-11, 12:25
hi sorry my post was in anger.
he asked how he could help.
i explainmd my anxiety and said i was suffering i explained everything then said constantly feel tired like heavy weights on arms and legs went to mention my sore throat cough etc but he cut me off
and said what do you want me to Dow I'm not checking you over cos your fine leave it to your councillors. he then said so what are not doing here i said cos i need help I'm not getting any way with my councillor i hardly see them and I'm feeling un well he said we are keeping this short what are you here for you have anxiety I'm not checking anything cos i will feed your anxiety. and that was that.

never seen this doctor before and I'm feeling un well my friend when i told her i was going said she hopped they helped cos I'm un well. my gran who doesn't believe in my anxiety commented this morning that my cough sounded terrible and maybe i needed more antibotic7 after my bronchitis.

i feel like cos i have anxiety he was not interested in wether i actually am under the weather or not

15-02-11, 12:28
hi kah
I'm not going back ever again i will have to suffer.
wish i was a drugie or alcholia they get help i didn't ask to have anxiety.

15-02-11, 12:32
"Druggies" or alcoholics get medication/counselling if necessary.

15-02-11, 12:37
I totally agree, we all have an illness but because you can't see it the doctors dismiss us as 'crack-pots'. Perhaps if they took more time to help us out we wouldn't feel so desperate!

15-02-11, 12:47
hi lady bird what do you mean?

i just feel like im just classed as some one that enjoys feeling like this i hate it. and if i was a drugggd or alcholhc they would be more helpfulj and i get spoke to like a idiot and tret like one as well

15-02-11, 12:51
my GP says the same to me now he says..its anxiety so its up to the psychiatrist and my psychologist,i explained im getting nowhere as they told help me,i feel crap all the time as well.x

15-02-11, 12:52

I am responding to your remark about alcoholics and drug addicts getting help. They also get medication or therapy if needed.

Comparisons like that aren't helpful or unbiased, even if you are feeling really rough (which I'm sorry to hear and sorry to hear you have a prat for a doctor).

15-02-11, 13:47
The tiredness is not for the rest of your life. Your body needs rest, it's been tense with the anxiety. You're feeling the same way you would if you had done something strenuous. Don't worry about it, this won't help. IT will go in time. For the moment, try to find some time for yourself and use it to COMPLETELY relax! THis might mean sitting in a warm bath with some relaxing music or lying in the dark, things like TV and reading will keep you alert.

As for your doctor, he sounds tactless but he has a point on one matter - many doctors refuse to check because an anxiety sufferer can become dependant on getting checked (otherwise they think they are ill). I think he just wants you to accept that it is just anxiety.

Saying that, though, it doesn't sound like you went in there thinking it was a physical illness! You knew it was anxiety and you wanted help with that. Are you on any medication? Some docs will prescribe something to help, otherwise it's a case of being patient with the therapy and perhaps trying other kinds of therapy if what you have right now isn't working for you.

I hope you feel better soon.

15-02-11, 14:10
i just feel cos i have health anxiety I'm ignored etc and this annoys me as i have never asked or had tests done to me always excepted that i have anxiety only struggling with feeling un well and my anxiety and the lack of help.
and feel if i was either of there then the help would be their cos they are wanting to turn their life around but I'm wanting to change my life around too only isubstances and i get don't drink or smoke or take substances but I'm struggling to get support that i need.

and I'm sorry but i no of another comparisons which was made some time ago about health anxiety suffers.

i come on this site like many other for help and I'm sorry if feeling like i get un noticed upsets some one i don't no how though.

15-02-11, 14:12
i wanted help with both to be honest x

15-02-11, 14:16
Hi Scaredstiff695, I think all Ladybird means is that drug dependencies are quite a different deal. They can be life threatening and, to be honest, these people don't necessarily get more help than we do! My brother works with people with alcohol and drug addictions and many people do not get help because there is not enough funding (especially now!), while others are not well enough to be treated.

I know it feels hopeless to feel so unwell and not know what to do about it but try to relax and let this go. There is probably nothing the doctor can do for the tiredness, this is maybe one you need to try to resolve yourself. Lots of rest, if you can! :)

It feels unfair to feel awful for no reason, I know, but try not to look at it this way. Feeling angry won't help the anxiety. :)

15-02-11, 14:44
i just feel cos i have health anxiety I'm ignored etc and this annoys me as i have never asked or had tests done to me always excepted that i have anxiety only struggling with feeling un well and my anxiety and the lack of help.
and feel if i was either of there then the help would be their cos they are wanting to turn their life around but I'm wanting to change my life around too only isubstances and i get don't drink or smoke or take substances but I'm struggling to get support that i need.

and I'm sorry but i no of another comparisons which was made some time ago about health anxiety suffers.

i come on this site like many other for help and I'm sorry if feeling like i get un noticed upsets some one i don't no how though.

Right. I seriously do not want to get back into the realms of "that" thread again but as you raised it I will do so.

I posted about a specific issue at a time that I was under appalling stress, I had said I was at hospital with somebody so it was very very clear that something was seriously wrong.

I posted in haste when I was upset and angry and my post was aimed at those who WERE demanding tests that a doc felt unecessary.

I was subjected to an appalling catalogue of hatred and abuse aimed at me personally, not what I had written. It was despicable and something that i would not do to my worst enemy.

I had apologised repeatedly, asked for the thread to be closed and yet the abuse kept coming.

Regarding THIS post in which I said I was sorry that you felt bad, you have made remarks about the treatment that drug addicts and alcoholics get, insinuating that they get preferential treatment.
I pointed out the treatment thet they do get as I have some pretty sound knowledge of what happens.

This could quite easily lead us into the smokers/drinkers/druggies/fat people debate and I don't really want to go there. Do you?

I'm sorry, genuinely sorry that you feel ignored. I know this goes on and I went for more than twenty years before I got myself sorted.
But please don't make assumptions about other subjects/people unless you are sure of your facts.

That's all I ask.

15-02-11, 15:29
thanks h

ladybird i could say a lot but i don't want to. sometimer peoples opinion clash lets just leave it at that

15-02-11, 15:54
Just a quick post - i too suffer from extreme tiredness and it has come a cause for concern as i have convienced myself i have cancer as i am tired all the time, i have some lumps and a swollen gland and my dad died of cancer. I often worry this is a cause. I do have 2 children and my youngest whos 4months is still wakign in the night and then im taking my eldest to school which is a 20min walk there and then back again so i dont know if thats all causing it. i seen all 3 of my gp's at my sugery and they re-assure me all is fine because ive had blood tests but it still sticks in my mind, they have told me extreme tiredness is very common, and sometimes anxiety can cause it and it can cause anxiety if this makes sense, id go back to your doctor, keep on at them, they are there to help its better then just trying to deal with it. i know how you feel though, when iwalk in the room they look at me as if to say "here she is again" :blush:

15-02-11, 19:28
thank you. well i had a pysciatric assermdmt and i told him what had been said he is going to write my result to them and said he will include to them that even though they are not to re assure me they should listen to me and if its new i.e. my tiredness then he assess me on that as a doctor first then not to reassure me.
if that makes sense. i have tried motivating myself today but still feel tired. but have a very sore throat so going to give it till next week and then see. x

15-02-11, 23:43
Scaredstiff, I completely understand you frustrations, albeit from a slightly different angle. I have chronic fatigue syndrome and find going to a doc a complete waste of time, although it seems your may have simply misunderstood what he was supposed to do in certain circumstances.

I do, however, think it is a bit poor when people who suffer from an illness which carries a lot of stigma choose to stigmatise others. Everyone should have a right to proper treatment, including people who are addicted to alcohol or drugs IMO - I wouldn't swop any of the things I have (that includes anxiety and depression) for what they suffer from.

I hope you find an answer to what is causing your fatigue know how awful it is to suffer from that. Could you be depressed? Perhaps if you have had bronchitis, you might have some sort of post-viral illness? A sore throat - if it persists - can be a sign of that. I do warn you though, there is no treatment for that. Hope you feel better soon.