View Full Version : Serene Branson - anxiety attack on air?

15-02-11, 14:25
I've just seen this video of Serene Branson talking gibberish on air at the Grammys:


I laughed at first, but then I read some of the comments which said 'suspected stroke/TIA', which is my biggest fear. Reading that this young woman possibly had a stroke has floored me. I'm now getting a whole host of symptoms like head tingling and feeling dizzy. Ridiculous I know.

However the latest article I read said she was fine.

Could this have been caused by a harmless panic attack???

15-02-11, 15:31

Its says on another news website that its also soething that happens with a migraine aura? Maybe thats all that happened to her.


15-02-11, 16:19
I had something like that happen to me when I was about 15, I was at my best friends house and had the most awful headache then everything I tried to say for about 5 minutes was just complete gibberish! It went after that though and I didn't have health anxiety at the time so didn't even see a doctor. That was 6 years ago now and had nothing like it since (touch wood) so! I didn't even think about it again til what happend to that reporter refreshed my memory, I really think migranes can cause it. x

Edit! I think 5 mins was being a bit too generous lol, was probably like 1-2 minutes. x

15-02-11, 17:22
My mind is like that all the time, getting mixed up with words and getting confused, sometimes no idea what I am saying. - doesnt seem like anything apart from a little bit of confusion. I wouldnt have even noticed that if I had been watching.

I spoke to my GP about it a while ago, he just said anxiety and tension - seems to make sense.