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View Full Version : Wisdom tooth - agony

15-02-11, 14:33
I woke up in agony with my left wisdom tooth last night. The worst pain was in my left ear though and today its continued and my neck down the left side is painful with swollen nodes.

I went and saw the dentist who said I have a wisdom tooth infection and gave me antibiotics.

However, he wasn't overly convincing that the ear ache and neck/gland pains were related...

Has anyone else experienced the same?

Thank you,

15-02-11, 14:43
Yes I had all of those things when I had an infection in my wisdom tooth. If the problems continue after the toothache has gone away I'd go check you don't have an ear infection or anything (although the antibiotics for the tooth will probably clear that up too, I imagine!)

15-02-11, 16:00
Hi ive j ust done a similiar post. I have impacted wisdom teeth, one has already been removed, im now waiting on two to be removed surgically. i have a swollen gland underneath my jaw aswell which is causing alot of worry but i have been told this is connected so to see someone else is having same issues is some what re-assuring, ive been on 2 sets of antibotics now to no avail so thats why im having mine removed x

15-02-11, 16:13
Wisdom teeth can be a right bugger when they play up. One of mine even made my left eye hurt, but any sort of infection in that area will upset the lymph nodes. I had both my top ones taken out at the dentist's and it was nowhere near as bad as I was expecting it to be.

15-02-11, 16:17
My top one was also took out at dentist and i agree nothing to worry about. my bottom ones are in the gum and are badly impacted so have to be put to sleep for those, hopefully then my lymph node will bugger off. good to know others have been through it and i can relax a bit more as ive been worrying about lymphoma alot x

15-02-11, 19:30
Thank you everyone, really reassured.

In absolute agony at the moment :(

16-02-11, 15:22
Keep yourself dosed up on painkillers. Ive made an appointment to see the dentist next week to see if she can hurry the removal. My gland is clearly there but not tender anymore but i do have jaw and ear ache. the fact my gland is no longer tender worries me, but im s ure its fine. if still in pain after antibotics finished go back x