View Full Version : flu and stopping smoking

15-02-11, 15:33
hey guys how are you all feeling today? im still laid up in bed with flu, got up to go to work but im aching from head to toe and pouring with sweat. very attractive haha. plus i havnt had a fag since sunday. i really want one, well i do and i dont. ive stopped before and felt great for about 5 months then started on menthols. i feel like crap anyway with this flu and no fags is driving me mad. dont really want to start taking the citalopram when im full of flu because of the side effects. think il wait til i feel better or maybe on frida night so i havnt got work the next day. you know what i really want a fag i dont even know if i really want to stop smoking at all. i do but im going to feel even worse . :( feeling very sorry for myself today. what are you all doing today?

15-02-11, 16:06
i dont smoke a great deal anyway. only break times at work and when i have a good drink. dont smoke alot if at all when im out my with my bf, he hates smoking and i always feel embarrased to smoke in front of him anyway because i know its so disgusting. i dont no yet, il keep trying. its the first one on a morning that i really enjoy and would totally miss.

15-02-11, 16:07
Aww sorry to hear you're poorly :hugs: If you havn't had a cig since Sunday you might as well push on through it and go all the way, especially with being so poorly it will do you no good! Don't get me wrong, I'm not being preachy I've been known to have a cig when I've got tonsilitus so you're a stronger woman than me! Just think of all the benefits you'll get from stopping smoking :)

You will feel worse for a bit with stopping smoking but it's worth it in the end, I'm trying to quit I've got down to 4 a day from 10-15! xx

15-02-11, 16:12
Hi Victoria

If you fancy using this bout of flu as a reason for giving up smoking, how about getting something like nicotine gum? That will get rid of the craving but you won't be tempted to attack your throat with a horrible hot fag that will make it really sore.

15-02-11, 17:02
hi guys thanks for replys. well done pokerface- its so hard to stop even though you know it is so bad for you. I tried nicotine gum years ago and it tastes so incredibly bad although i might give it another go. its weird i keep thinking wow i feel better already its only been 2 days , think of all the money you can buy new clothes and make up haha, and then 2 seconds later i think ''what is the point your going to start again anyway''. arghhhhhhhh. ive been tidying up i feel a bit better all round actually. i think when im laid in bed pondering on things i feel much worse than if i just get up and start tidying up or whatever. im even tempted to go on the mario on the wii hehe. the last time that thing was used was when i did stop smoking in nov 09 to april 10 and i got the wii fit. Paid nearly 400 quid for all the stuff and i dare say its been out 4 or 5 times at the most. it told me partner he was obese (he is short and stocky not really 'fat' at all) and changed his wii person into this big roly poly looking guy. it has been under the bed since . well i suppose i really will have to go to work tomorrow. i hate being ill and off really. boredom thats what i hate. im my own worst enemy when i think too much.

15-02-11, 17:09
plus this is going to be hard enough so iv decided not to take the citalopram as of yet anyway. im not even convinced i need it. really my anx used to be so much worse, the only thing is moving away soon but i suppose il cross than bridge when i come to it. i cant face stopping smoking AND feeling like total sh!@ off them tablets at the same time.

15-02-11, 17:16
I haven’t had a fag since Sunday either...or the Sunday before that...or before that!:) In fact I have never had a fag. Seriously well done for giving up, as a non smoker it’s hard to imagine how hard it must be. My sister is trying to give up at the moment and I know she is finding it hard.

Keep up the good work and I hope you feel better soon:hugs:

15-02-11, 21:11
cheers guys, this flu has made me more miserable. im feeling slighltly more positive but im going to try not to have one tomorrow and if i do have a huge craving them il buy some nicotine gum. have been reading alot of people like it. i wish this cold would pss off i feel better but body still feels like ive been hit by a bus. hi groundhog, yes i know, to a non smoker it honestly must sound pathetic, i mean even to me its pathetic. ''just dont have one! simple!'' . bizarre how much it really takes a grip of you. i need to focus on something positive ...still no bloody date for new job so im kind of stuck in a rut for the nx few weeks anyway. hard to see the light at the end of the tunnell sometimes isnt it.