View Full Version : Jelly legs and shaking, does anyone also have this symptom?

15-02-11, 16:58
I`ve had panic attacks for 25 years now but for years still was able to function without the jelly legs etc.
Some years ago i experienced my legs beginning to shake as i was walking along and then the rest of my body would also feel like it was shaking as i was freaking out with panic. Only happens if i feel that i`m being observed or that it will happen in front of others and it always does.
I literally feel that when this happens i can barely put one foot in front of the other and my body feels like lead and i can`t walk without shaking. My fear is looking anxious or scared and i`ve become extremely reclusive and rarely feel able to go out without drinking alcohol first due to this problem. I can`t find an end to it. It`s a nightmare and i avoid walking past people at all costs as it triggers this reaction then i feel paranoid and want to just drop down and die or run away, neither of which is the solution. It`s made my life almost unbearable and is getting worse.

15-02-11, 17:13
I luckily don't get anxiety this bad however I have had that awful jelly leg feeling! I usually get it when I've not really eaten or I'm very stressed/tired.
Maybe that has something to do with it? Anxiety brings out so many symptoms as we all know maybe try and look back and see if one of them factors could have made it worse?

15-02-11, 17:24
cheers Lizz, unfortunately i know that with me it has nothing to do with food, it`s some deep rooted trigger and is the worst part of my anxiety i have ever had to deal with, can cope with so many other symptoms but this one is the most humiliating. cheers anyway, Dave.

15-02-11, 17:28
Maybe you could see your doc and see if there's anything to prescribe that may ease the symptoms?

15-02-11, 17:32
unfortunately he won`t give me anything other than anti-depressants. I`m presently on 20mg cipralex. He won`t give me a beta blocker or anything and i`m stuck with him as no other local surgery is taking on any other patients. Have told him so many times but he just tells me i need CBT which i tried but was no good. Never mind, cheers.

15-02-11, 17:43
This is a recent symptom of mine and it is awful, and the more i think about it the more i shake, so i know how you feel.

di xx

15-02-11, 18:08
Hi have you tried a relaxation tape, i downloaded one onto the ipod and when my shakes used to come on an evening, just listening to 20mins of a calming voice used to wash it away. I think i was worrying about sleep I think this is why it was worse early evening, it was the build up. Sleeping better now I talked myself into it! so the shaking has calmed down.

18-02-11, 12:40
Hi, yes i have tried progressive relaxation and need to restart it again. even when i was doing relaxation daily i found it helped to a degree but then when i was out of the house the jelly legs and shaking would hit me out of nowhere and literally within a second ad it would intensify so fast that it was paralysing, glad that it`s helping you with sleep.

macc noodle
18-02-11, 18:01
Hi Englishguy,

It sounds horrible - thankfully of all the horrible symptoms I have suffered from anxiety - that is not one of them.

Sorry I could not offer any nuggets of wisdom on this one :wacko: but hope you fiind something that will help you conquer them sometime soon.



18-02-11, 20:06
Hi Englishguy, I used to get this symptom quite bad and it was awful walking down the stairs I thought I was going to miss my footing, I just carried on with what I was doing and think about it if 1 in 3 people, or whatever the statistic is, suffer from this then when you are out there are probably other people thinking the same as you, I think in the present climate people are too wrapped up in their own worries to even notice if we walk odd, keep your chin up, love your photo of puppy is it a jack russell? take care:hugs: