View Full Version : food phobia

01-04-06, 15:45
For the past few days I have been terrified to eat or drink in case someones put LSD in the food, either in the factory its made or supermarket. I also get a strange bitter taste after eating, which makes me convinced its poisoned. Is this anxiety or some other psychiactric problem? Im scared to tell docs in case I get sectioned

Anxiety Is Evil

01-04-06, 18:33
i think it is not uncommon to add to your fears at times when you are vulnerable. for example many of us who have a health fear also fear

examples of what i have heard from this site
trying new foods in case they are allergic to them

im sure there are many others so you are not alone but you must consider how unlikely this is and also how dangerous it is not to eat. try to see that you are tired and that this fear is irrational and that part of the way you will feel less tired is to build up your strength with good food.

i personally feel good food and plenty of it is essential part of recovery so eat up your food is safe im sure of it


april tones
03-04-06, 09:17
Hi, i get this too but know its when my anxiety levels are high!
went out for chinese other night and left my drink unnatended so thought im not drinking that case in was spiked.
i had one sip then made me feel i had been, i went to toilet and told my self its just panic, i got back to friends lay down and chatted and i felt relaxed and knew it was panic!
its horrible feeling tho! i have took illegal drugs when i was 20 which triggers my thoughts and i was in bad way!
what about you? what has trigerred yours?

fibrochat) http://apriltones.proboards54.com

03-04-06, 15:11
Hi April, mine is just a fear of LSD that I've had since childhood, after seeing people on it. So now whenever I eat or drink anything, I feel woozy like its been spiked

Anxiety Is Evil