View Full Version : hi

01-04-06, 16:50
hi all,
im rachel, and have suffered panic attacks for 14 years which has been so hard to deal with.although the past 3 years i have managed to cope with them.
i now run my own anxiety support group and have 30 members who come every week which is fantastic.
looking forward to posting on here.
so hi everyone!!!

01-04-06, 16:51
didnt mean to do that smilie.meant tobe a happy one arhhh

01-04-06, 16:51
Hi Rachel

Welcome to the forum.

You will find lots of help & support on here.

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

May Day
01-04-06, 16:54
Hi Whatsimigig

Welcome to NMP ... you'll find lots of people here ready to listen and try to help you

Take care


For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

01-04-06, 16:56
Hi Rachel, and Welcome! Well done you for getting in control of your life and starting up such a great support group! I think that's absolutely fab........Love lyla xx

01-04-06, 17:12
glAD you found it here. i know how important it is to feel not so alone and im sure your group gives you all this.

hope we can too

where is your wee group based?


01-04-06, 18:00

Would be interested in how you set up your group etc?

Really pleased that you are coping better, would like to hear all about it.

have been a sufferer for 10 years and would be interested in setting up a group in my area.

Glad you have found the site it really does help.


01-04-06, 23:34
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">hi all,
im rachel, and have suffered panic attacks for 14 years which has been so hard to deal with.although the past 3 years i have managed to cope with them.
i now run my own anxiety support group and have 30 members who come every week which is fantastic.
looking forward to posting on here.
so hi everyone!!!
hi how did you get your support group runnin as i a intrested to help other suffers not that i am cured if only i am movin on monday but could you please send me a email so when my net is back on i can read it my email addy is nikkbu_1@hotmail.com thanx trish
<div align="right">Originally posted by whatsimigig - 01 April 2006 : 17:50:32</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

02-04-06, 09:00
hi all, i first started my group by contacting my local C.V.S and talking with those who gave great advice to me about funding the group.
i then placed adverts in local paper for a first meeting and 10 people turned up which ifound 3 of them wanting to help set up.it went on from there.
if i can help anyone any way i will try to...
my email is rbroadway11@yahoo.co.uk if anyone wants to email me.
thx for your replies and welcomes, i feel at home already...
with love and light

02-04-06, 09:53
Hi Rach,

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

02-04-06, 11:16
Hi Rachel and welcome to the forum

Take Care



02-04-06, 11:55
Hi Rachel and welcome to the forum. You will find lots of help and support here. Well done on setting up your own support group I hope it goes well for you.
Look forward to hearing more about you.
Take care
Love Lisaxx