View Full Version : Help make it stop!! Please

15-02-11, 21:59
Been ok for a while now but the last 2 weeks its back :(

Been to the gym tonight and panicking a lot again. Went really dizzy when I'd finished running and when I was showering after being in the sauna.
I'm starting to feel I can't control this again and feel like I'm having a panic attack. My chest feels so heavy (asthmatic too), im on lansoprazole for acid reflux so worried I have a bleeding ulcer or something as I've been having some pain in my stomach area over the last few days.

I know I'm panicking and keep twitching LOTS again. Really want to be able to stop this but seriously worried this is something more serious and had worries about leaukemia too recently and had night sweats a lot too. Just feel like my nervous system is destroyed again.

I'd be oh so grateful for some hugs and reassurance. Need to stop this cycle happening again :(
Really thought this was over with and wouldn't come back.

15-02-11, 22:31
hey mark, how are you feeling now? dont worry about the twitching. just bloody anxiety playing tricks on muscles again. ive nearly given my partner numerous black eyes in bed when im nodidng off and the spasms/twitching is bad hehe. im asthmatic too and sometimes think about breathing and im sure you will know that the more you think about it the worse it gets. try to concentrate or just do something else, play a video game, watch youtube. and it is totally normal after you finished running, your body was doing some major work and when you stop it is just trying to stop the blood and breathing going so fast but because you have anx , you will notice it more. hope your feeling better x

paula lynne
15-02-11, 22:40
My advice is...go back to the gym asap for a work out. Do not avoid the gym. I had a panic attack in a swimming pool and then did the worst thing ever, yep...avoided going swimming for 7 years. What a waste. Go back as soon as you can. Put the dizzy episode out of your mind, pretend it never happened.

Facing it and staring your panic head on is the way to go. Avoidance is a killer.
Its a horrible feeling, in fact, dizzyness is one of my worst symptoms, but in ten years, and after maybe.....oh.....500 severe panic attacks, Im still around and it didnt kill me/hurt me. I sympathise with you. But dont let them beat you. Go out and live. This will pass and improve. All the best. Paula. x

15-02-11, 22:47

I usually feel really weird after exercising too, especially if I go into a hot shower/bath, don't think I could manage a sauna lol! Is just anxiety doing that and telling me that though. It does sound like a blip, the best of people have them and it doesn't necessarily mean it's all going to kick off bad ways again.

Just try to counter the negative thoughts with positive ones such as, "what if I have a stomache ulcer" turn it into "the doctor's told me I have reflux." If that doesn't work for you, you could try a CBT technique that's designed to take your attention away from what's going on inside you and direct it towards what's going on around you.

You're supposed to sit in a room and listen to every single noise you can find, so if you're in your living room in the middle of the day you might hear your tele, cars going past, fridge humming etc, literally anything then after that just listen to one, then the next then the next and then finally listen to them all at once again! It trains your brain into being more "outwardly aware" I think is the term, so you notice less things happening in your body so less to panic about! :) I do that when I feel my anxiety creeping back in and it works wonders! xx

Edit! Paula made a really REALLY good post, it's true don't avoid anything because of panic, it just makes things harder. x

16-02-11, 16:20
Hi - thank you for the replies :hugs:

Well, did manage to get off to sleep and was ok. Not feeling as panicky as yesterday thankfully. Although now having that stupid dizziness after eating!! I've had this before so I find it odd how it can suddenly come back - wonder if its labyrinthitis again? At least I am currently confident it's not anything more serious.

Not sure about everyone else but I always find night time more difficult and it's easier during the day when it's light and I feel more optimistic. Thanks again for taking the time to reply. I know I've said it before and I will say it again not doubt - you all make it more bearable by knowing there are like minded people on here who understand and care.

16-02-11, 17:09
i find night time much much more difficult it seems all my bad thoughts whirl around in my head until im shaking, cold and feeling sick. what scares me is how realy it feels, its like im actually dying. Then i wake up in the morning and wonder what i was getting all worked up about. I'm beginning to dread nightime. Exercise is brilliant though so dont give up the gym x

17-02-11, 09:13
I'm another one of the people who gets anxious about exercise. I worry that if I push myself too much I'll get uncontrollable palpitations or pass out, so unfortunately this makes me not push myself the bit further which would be good for me. Der....

Big hugs Mark, you'll be OK.

paula lynne
17-02-11, 10:59
How are you now Mark? Do you think it would be a good idea to get your Gp to check its Labrynthitis? If youve had it before its possible for it to flare up again. I had it once, and my Gp gave me Anti-sickness/nausea tabs for sea sickness, and they kicked in after 2 days. I hope youre feeling a little better anyhow. TC, Paula x

27-02-11, 15:38
Been ok for a while now but the last 2 weeks its back :(

Been to the gym tonight and panicking a lot again. Went really dizzy when I'd finished running and when I was showering after being in the sauna.
I'm starting to feel I can't control this again and feel like I'm having a panic attack. My chest feels so heavy (asthmatic too), im on lansoprazole for acid reflux so worried I have a bleeding ulcer or something as I've been having some pain in my stomach area over the last few days.

I know I'm panicking and keep twitching LOTS again. Really want to be able to stop this but seriously worried this is something more serious and had worries about leaukemia too recently and had night sweats a lot too. Just feel like my nervous system is destroyed again.

I'd be oh so grateful for some hugs and reassurance. Need to stop this cycle happening again :(
Really thought this was over with and wouldn't come back.

I suffer with this burning bad to and i keep thinking an ulcer has burst or something like that today it is playing up so so bad i have bad burning churning feeling just at bottom of ribs that goes right down to my belly button just giving me that bad sickly feeling :-( also burning between my shoulder blades / frothy type saliva or sometimes watery mouth / trembles am so scared right now i wanna run to the ER my anxiety is sky high
do you have many of these symptoms?? am on omeprazole 20mg just started them about 8days ago also gavison advance when needed i just cant cope anymore :(