View Full Version : Bad Chest Pain

15-02-11, 22:54
I have had lingering chest pain recently but for the last 30-60 mins it has been quite bad, I'm trying to reassure myself that if it was due to a heart attack or something then something would have happened by now!

15-02-11, 23:05
Where is the pain eggy and what does it feel like?

15-02-11, 23:19
In the centre area sort of feels achy and crampy.

15-02-11, 23:23
It could be muscular or something like costochondritis

15-02-11, 23:27
It wouldn't be heart related i presume because i've had it bad since about 9.45pm.

15-02-11, 23:38
Well all I can say that is heart attack pain is like a bad cramping, elephant sitting on chest type of thing. There would be other things like arm ache, jaw ache, sweating, flushing etc.

If you have had this pain before - which I think you have - then I doubt it is heart related.

You have had ECG's etc recently haven't you?

anxiety causes bad chest pain as the muscles tense up.

macc noodle
16-02-11, 00:14
Hi Eggy

Hope you feeling better now. It is scary when you feel anxious and get chest pains I know.

Take care and try to relax a little.


16-02-11, 13:52
I'm still getting pains and stuff but can't be anything serious i wouldn't have thought even though it feels bad.

anx mum
16-02-11, 16:12
I'm still getting pains and stuff but can't be anything serious i wouldn't have thought even though it feels bad.

Hi how u feeling today? Like yourself im getting chest pains had them for weeks but they hve got worse. Its scary when its your chest

16-02-11, 16:27
Still the same, I managed 30 mins on my exercise bike, I'm not used to it i got it yesterday and put it up today, Felt really dizzy after being on it, I presume that's normal? I do quite a bit of walking but i don't normally do really physical exercise but i have started it today as part of my plan to lose weight, I have already lost a stone and 4 pounds in 6 weeks and want to get rid of more by combining it with vigorous exercise.

16-02-11, 18:16
OMG eggy i feel for you as i have had the same - except mine shoot down just to the left of my chest where ur heart is and i get petrified and then the vious circle starts again of the anxiety

I also talk myself into that it couldnt be anything bad the longer it is there as i can walk about which i imagine you wouldnt be able to if it was the dreaded HA

19-02-11, 04:09
I went to the walk in centre yesterday as i couldn't get in to see my GP, They said i have a chest infection although i'm not very convinced because i have had them before and this time i have no cough and just chest pains and shortness of breath.

Really worried about quite a few things right now.

19-02-11, 08:29
Hi eggy
Just read this post and your other one about your throat and swallowing .

I,m the same , chest pains , sore throat has come back this morning and my sinusis and face ache , and its hard to swallow .

I,m ignoreing mine , i,ve had this on and off for months and its not spoiling my weekend this time .

My sore throat .....i,m putting down to acid reflux / or pnd as my nose is blocked .

Chest pain .....i,m putting this down to anxiety .

This weekend ..ANXIETY 0 .....MEL2 .....1 UP !

Hope your feeling better soon fella :D