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15-02-11, 23:44

Couple of questions, firstly does anybody have any good tips on how to trick your mind? I managed to get to Tesco tonight, first time in ages, was really anxious and the further i got from the entrance/exit the more panicky and on edge i became, couldn't read the DVD's properly, it was all a bit blurry, i quickly made it down to nearer the front of the store and my anxiety levels decreased, so, does anybody know how i could maybe trick my mind into thinking i'm not that far from safety? does that make sense? It's pretty much any shop i go in, the further from the exit the more on edge i become.

Secondly, apologies if this has been discussed but is bach remedy any good for anxiety or is it a bit of a placebo? Anybody know of any anti anxiety meds i could maybe suggest to the psych/gp? Was thinking of trying Kalms but theres lots of different kinds and strengths, not sure which ones i should try, i asked my GP about Kalms and she said it shouldn't interract with my Olanzapine.

Many thanks

15-02-11, 23:49
Hi Bubblegum, not convinced trying to trick your mind in that way would be the best way to go about it. Perhaps it would be better to try to convince yourself that even when you are not near the exit, no harm is going to come to you and try to relax on that thought.

I find Rescue Remedy quite good, but I think it's impossible to tell whether that's a placebo effect or not. If it has an effect, does it really matter what the reason is? Definitely worth trying it x

paula lynne
15-02-11, 23:55
Hiya, I read on here a few people use calming music on their ipods...Im still in the 18th century so I tend to sing or hum. I find the lights hard work in the supermarket, so carry my sunglasses and pretend Im a rock star..haha...x
Getting to know where particular things are in the supermarket gets easier each time you go, and you will find your anxiety decreasing because you become familiar with where things are. You can always nip to the loo and take a breather into a paper bag like me. Well done, keep at it. x

16-02-11, 10:41
My advice would be to go into the shop and stay in the first area until you feel comfortable, then move further in, and again wait until you feel comfortable. Keep doing this until youre at the far end of the shop.
Starting to beat anxiety for me was never about throwing myself in at the deep end because it usually ended in failure. For me it has been about slowly pushing my boundaries.
Youre bound to feel stressed at first, but eventually you'll learn that you are ok at the back of the shop.
As paula lynne says, I also my iPod to listen to a piece of uplifting or calming music and I had a guided relaxation track on there too.
Another thing I found that helped was to have a positive statement that I could keep saying over and over to myself. Something that spurred me on. Something like "I can do this, I am strong and capable. Nothing bad will happen" You can make something up that you think works for you ;) Make it believable though^^

margaret jones
16-02-11, 11:03
Hi Bubblegum
All good advice already been given, my way was to go into supermarkets at least busy times and gradually increase times I stayed sometimes not to even buy . Also my mantra was (not what if ) but (so what ) if something was going to happen It was out of my control .
Now I visit at anytime still get odd panic attack but mostly fine , re rescue remedy I used this to help me and still take it out with me so worth a try . Take Care xxxx

17-02-11, 00:08
Thanks for replies

I am going to buy some bach remedy tomorrow and give it a try, fingers crossed!

I have tried chillout music on my ipod before, it does help a bit, takes my mind off the horrible sound of shoppers and beeping tills, so yeah i do it sometimes, like when i'm on my own.

I try not to let the anxiety win, i try not to avoid but is hard sometimes. I'm just scared i'll pass out for some reason and i cant seem to shift that thought, other times its just a feeling like "i need to get out" need space, its odd. Thankyou for your ideas, i will try them out.