View Full Version : Palps when tired....

16-02-11, 00:17
Hey guys,

Just wanna know if anyone gets palps when they're tired? I just got home after a long day at school and I slept about 6 hours last night and I'm having palps.

Pulse is racing a bit with a few ectopics. Tested my blood pressure yesterday by grammas house and it was 122/78 hr was 88 but that was yesterday.

Oh and my head feels a bit foggy. To be honest it's the foggy head/eyes that's scaring me a bit and I don't know if that's the reason I'm having palps.

Also drank a cup of coffee earlier.

16-02-11, 00:33
yeh i had it other day its too much to deal with its all anxciety x

16-02-11, 15:11
Tiredness brings on palps. It's a fact.

If I don't get enough sleep I get palps, or if I'm just feeling a bit groggy I get them too.

Nothing to worry about. You're bp and hr sound perfect. Try not to worry.