View Full Version : Mouth,Gums and Throat All Inflamed.. DId a cold do this?

16-02-11, 03:24
In the last few days .. my gums, and roof of my mouth and throat and nostrills are inflamed.. It hurts just to eat crackers or .. to drink a soda..

It hurts my mouth just to chew anything or have anything in my mouth. At first I thought it might be from some new soft peppermints.. so I didn't think much about it but now im concerned because its not going away ,its getting worse.

I can't seem to see anything red in my mouth or tongue or gums.. but the back of my mouth it looks like there are blood vessels all over the back of my throat.. Im really getting a bit panicked by this.Its like when you eat something and burn your mouth all inside an it last for a few days.. Mine has been this way for at least the time I have had this cold. .about a week.

Im wondering what this could be.. caused by cold? Caused by something else? I feel my gums with my finger and they feel raw.. but when looking at them I don't see anything bad.There was one thing that happened right before I got this. I ordered some special bread from a bakery that specializes in ancient European breads.I got some german rye which is suppose to be made by the same recipe they used over 200 years ago.

I got the bread and thought it was old because it was hard but my wife says its suppose to be like this. She has been eating it and complaining of the same thing I have. Is this all caused from the bread? Cold or something else? Like I said there are no red marks in her mouth or mine. just sore.. but in the back of my mouth in the throat something that looks like blood veins.. .Anybody help?


macc noodle
16-02-11, 07:44
First off, I think that you might find we all have blood vessels around back of throat and are visible if you look closely enough!

Secondly, it does sound as if you either both have the same virus or eaten something that has caused the problem.

Try eating soft foods for a few days and keep your mouth as clean as possible - at the risk of sounding very cruel (because it could sting) you could use salt and water as a mouthwash to clear out any bacteria. Also, steam inhalation to soothe the inflammation in the nostrils and throat.

Hope you feel better soon.