View Full Version : numb arms

16-02-11, 08:48
hi can anyone relate.
i woke last night in a panic attack.

but my left arm was completjw numb like i had laid on it. then i ran to get my keys to get help cos i was alone with my two childspdm and my right arm went. both arms were completely numb i couldn't do anything i managed to get the keys in and door to locked after screaming and banging my chest. as soon as i got out side it stopped and they were fine. i came back to bed and managed km get some sleep. however i have woke this mornijg feel tired and anxious my arms are still tingling and I'm test scared.

i have not for the first time been able to get my son to school.
I'm so freaked out and after yesterday going to the doctors is mob solution x

16-02-11, 11:32
I get this every night and it is my back doing it.

I had to have physio but it has stopped working now.

My posture is bad apparently so I get this all the time in bed.

16-02-11, 12:24
yeah i have been told i have bad posture too its apparently causing my back pains. thank you for your help. my therapist rang cos needed to change appoitmdmt asked her about it and she said sounds like a change in my thoughts when panic as my breathing was bothering me but not so much in part few days. x

16-02-11, 12:41
I too get this occasionally or at least something similar. Basically like really bad pins and needles to the point that I have no feeling at all in my arm (s), this can lead to me waking in a panic attack (the night ones have always been the worst for me due to the disorientation involved). I honestly think mine is 100% pins & needles though as I often sleep on my arm, but as to why it induces a full blown PA who knows! Hope your feeling a bit better now.

16-02-11, 13:04
hi thank you i am now. all though my arms are very strange thing its cos I'm focusmg on them so will see how the day goes.

it was strange there was not any pin and meddlp just completely dead.
it has freaked me my thought was is there something wrong with my heart?
don't want to Google in case it leads to something not good lol x x

16-02-11, 13:07
I get numb hands and sometimes in my arms upto my elbo. The neurologist said it was due to a worn disc at the top of my spine and there was nothing to worry about. My face also goes numb and he said that was due to stress and anxiety.


16-02-11, 13:34
I get this a lot too, the feel somewhat disconnected and hard to control.

16-02-11, 13:54
yeah kind of like that last might i described them as being numb and not able to move but yet kinda of like they didn't belong km me. it has scared the hell out of me.
they are aching now

need to keep my thoughts under control now though because if not I'm startijg to think it was my heart or brain. all very stupid things i no x x