View Full Version : Muscular chest pain

16-02-11, 08:52
5 weeks ago I was given a heart even moniter to try and catch my funny heart beat, I had to put the little box on my chest press it down and press the button if anything happened but of course I could not get the box to my chest in time to catch it happening so when I went to bed at night I laid the box on my chest with my hand holding it - on afew occasions I fell asleep and woke up hours later with my arm still raised up with hand on box and when I turned over I got awful pain in muscle under my boob - the pain changed sides depending on which way I had turned so I assumed that holding my arm up for hours while asleep had strained my chest muscle.

This has only been a problem during the night whenever I turn over in bed or when I go from laying to sitting and only lasts a few seconds but is painful but this morning I am getting pain in left side of chest - def muscle pain as it only happens when I move and especially if I press my arm to body and tense the chest muscle up.

I am very prone to chest muscle pain but am worrying slightly that it is going on so long - up to today the pain was only at night when I turned over or sat up and never once I was up and about but thats changed today.

16-02-11, 11:24
Hmm, I'm definatley not a muscle expert but my guess would be if you're muscles have been hurting in bed for 5 weeks it's like a strain kind of thing on them so it's gotten a bit worse so you're feeling it in the day time too. Like if you sleep with your head funny every night it eventually starts to make your neck hurt really bad in the day.

You could try and change your sleeping position, I know it's hard cuz we always end up in random positions in the morning (unless that's just me?) but if you start off in bed in a position that's relieving the pain a bit instead of aggrivating it in a couple of weeks if not less it will probably go cuz it's getting a chance to heal itself :) Have you tried hugging a pillow or putting one under your left arm, not too high? I had terrible left sided muscular chest pain for months but it lifted itself eventually. Just try your hardest to find a sleeping position that seems to suit your left arm/chest muscles, I know it can be frustrating so if you really can't find one that's comfy try rubbing some lavander oil into the hurting bit and hold a hot water bottle on it for a bit before going to bed or even in bed if you don't get too hot xx

Oo and I'm sorry if I got this way wrong, I'm unsure as to whether you still have the box or not. I guessed not? ;s x

16-02-11, 15:42
No I only had the box for 3 weeks so its about 3 week ago it went back but the pains started towards the end of the box time. It is def muscular as it improves hugely as the day goes on- I can only feel it now if I tense that muscle up very hard deliberatly but as you say its something to do with my sleep position that is making the muscles hurt. its better if I sleep on my back but like you end up all over in the night!