View Full Version : had enough of all this now

16-02-11, 09:43
its one thing after the next. I had a breakdown in Dec and was put on Fluoxetine and ever since then although I have felt a bit better I have a horrible feeling in my throat - like I haven't swollowed the pill properly - I take it with loads of water. I also have a constant drip from my nose going down my throat and I can't bring it forward. I am really trying to be realistic about this lump in throat but I can't. I am too scared to go to the Drs as I dont want to see an ENT and have a camera down my throat - I ahve a fear of vomiting and anything going down my throat that im not in control of.

I have seriously had enough. I have so much to deal with all the time - my son has special needs etc and I really dont need this crap on top of it. In all my years of having anxiety I have never had the lump in the throat feeling until I started taking the antidepressants - could it be a side effect of these?

Thanks for listening to me moan.

16-02-11, 10:14
Without doubt, its a symtom of stress/anxiety...... don't worry, they're not going to put a camera down your throat. Give it time, remember its nothing serious, and it will pass. I had a similar thing once when I fell off a motorbike.... my wife was driving at the time and we got a puncture in the back wheel and ended up sprawled on the road covered in cuts and bruises!! I can still remember her searching for her lost contact lens in the road and that was 25 years ago. The stress of the accident really shook me up and left me with something "stuck in my throat" sensation which lasted for weeks but it gradually disappeared.
