View Full Version : PLEASE READ - Tinnitus and brain tumour fears

16-02-11, 10:42

I am absolutely terrified. I have had tinnitus in my right ear ever since my little girl was born 18 months ago. It doesn't really bother me as I only hear it in very quiet rooms, BUT yesterday I googled it and discovered that if you have tinnitus in one ear it can be a brain tumour. I went to the docs today and they referred me to an ent specialist.
I am so so scared. Has anyone else had tinnitus in one ear only and been ok? Also, I have had it now for so long. Please help I don't know what to do.

Sarah x

16-02-11, 16:27
Hi Sarah,

Having something wrong in the upper body, ears or whatever can be very scary (I've been there) - but, I wouldn't imagine it is serious - try not to worry and think the worst. The referral to an ENT is positive and if your GP thought it was more serious he would have sent you to a neurologist instead.
About a year and a half ago I was having LOTS of symptoms of anxiety. These included extreme dizziness and a blocked feeling in my left ear (which was labyrinthitis) so I can completely understand where you are coming from with the worry. I was totally convinced I had a tumour (had headaches too) but I didn't - and deep down I knew this.

I still find it weird how these feelings come and go, seemingly at random and uncontrollably.

I hope you feel better soon anyway,

16-02-11, 16:28
I developed a constant pulse in my left ear two years ago and stupidly googled and found that it can be caused by an about to burst blood vessel in your brain - same as you reading that tinnitus in one ear can be sign of brain tumour! I insisted on going to ent and they did ultrasound of my neck arteries and hearing tests and I begged for a mri brain scan convinced that I had an aneurysm about to burst and guess what I didn't. So as usual there are a 100 none life threatening reasons and 1 dangerous one! I still have the pulse and can take my pulse without feeling any part of my body:D:D

When you go to ent make sure you explain your fears as they can then do tests that they may not have done to someone without health anxiety.

16-02-11, 16:29
Oh and Sarah - Make a small promise to yourself now to NEVER ever google symptoms again as it always, always ends in extreme worry.
Mr. Google is a terribly pessimistic doctor and just loves scaremongering! :mad:

16-02-11, 17:28
Thank a you so much for taking the time to reply. It means a lot. I rang the tinnitis advice line and she said that tinnitis in one ear can be caused by a tumour but very rare! Mine feels like a high pitch sound which I hear in quiet rooms. The doc said I will have a hearing test and mri which has completely freaked me out! Terrified of what they will find. Wish I hadn't gone to doc now!