View Full Version : Just wondered.

16-02-11, 11:06
Just wondered how many sufferers find that their Health Anxiety calms a little as soon as they log on to NMP?


16-02-11, 11:16
Once i found this website I started to feel a lot better the doctor told me all my symptoms were down to anxiety but i was convinced he was wrong. Then i found people on here with the same symptoms or worse. This site is really good and not sure whether i would have felt any better by now if i had not come across it. The only thing i struggle to deal with at the moment my husband has had a cough for a while and the doctor is sending him for a chest x-ray and my anxiety has started up a little again. I am just worried that its something bad and that i will become unwell again !!!

16-02-11, 15:44
I find it helps when I read someone has same symptoms or can explain why a symptom is as it is.

I hate the newspapers today it says that men who go bald early are twice as likely to get prostate cancer and guess what I have an early baldy husband who won't have any screening tets:lac: - trying hard not to either panic or nag him!

17-02-11, 09:17
I wish that there had been places like this when I first got really bad with HA - I'm sure it would have helped me a lot at the time as I thought I was the only person who'd ever felt like this.

Also, the other thing I've found about NMP is that it helps me put things in proportion - I'm not actually that bad on the grand scale of things as there are a lot of people on here who suffer with it to the extent that it limits their lives. I can do most of the things that I want/need to do, which makes me very grateful - and which also makes me want to help other people out if I possibly can.

17-02-11, 09:27
Hi everyone:)

I'm new to posting but have been a lurker for about a year now. I started suffering with health anxiety last year and to be honest when I first found this site it freaked me out more lol. I found out about lots of conditions etc that I'd never even heard of before.

At the time I didn't truely believe I had anxiety and was convinced I had some fatal illness. However, over recent months I do get comfort from reading posts here and instead of going to google symptoms I'll do a search on here and I'd say 9 times out of 10 I go away feeling better.

17-02-11, 09:32
This website put everything in perspective for me. I have not been here in a while, but I like to pop back from time to time for a revision. It is not great to know so many people are suffering but it is a relief to know your not alone at times.

17-02-11, 09:42
I agree Rod, I think that coming here made me realise that it was anxiety I was suffering from rather than anything else and it helped to know that other people have had the same concerns.

17-02-11, 09:49
Thanks for all your replies.

Also, many thanks to all the Admin for their work regarding this site.

17-02-11, 17:38
I find it helps when I read someone has same symptoms or can explain why a symptom is as it is.

I hate the newspapers today it says that men who go bald early are twice as likely to get prostate cancer and guess what I have an early baldy husband who won't have any screening tets:lac: - trying hard not to either panic or nag him!

Ignore the Newspapers there full of rubish !! I started going bald (hair thinning ) at 37 :blush: , i had a cracking comb over developing my part was getting lower and lower :roflmao:.
I decided to get the number one all over about two years ago , best thing i ever did .
Reason for post.....about 60 % of people i know started going bald in there late twentys , it seems to me that people are loseing there hair much younger these days , my dad went bald early twentys , i,ve never seen him with hair ..lol..and he is 78 now .
Don,t worry about the Newspaper article i,m not :yesyes:

Horse ....i found this site great and still do.......but sometimes i use the search feature like Dr google :doh::doh:.....and worry if no one else has my symptoms .....apart from that its great !

cathy s
17-02-11, 18:04
I find this site a great source of comfort and it has helped me through some dificult times.

17-02-11, 18:12
I have to say, when I'm really bad this place is usually my first port of call. Reading through other people's posts often helps me get some perspective, and also knowing I'm not the only person having a panic that day makes me feel a lot less isolated by it. Thanks NMP :)

Hazel B
17-02-11, 18:21
At the height of my anxiety, logging in here helped me to get things in perpective, feel less alone and gave a distraction from my endless worries.

Now I'm feeling better, I still get support, information and maintenance to keep me on track.