View Full Version : Hello everyone. any advice on jaw and head pressure please?

16-02-11, 11:38
My name is Nicola. Ive had anxiety for many years and it has improved a great deal through self help materials and therapy work. Unfortunetly I do still seem to struggle with it at times.

Old symptoms seem to appear which can then set off the whole fear cycle again which in turn makes symptoms worse and all my hard work feel as though it was for nothing.

I am currently feeling scared as I do still have a habit of clenching my teeth and no doubt clenching my facial muscles. Im now experiencing a pressure feeling on my top jaw pushing down on my top teeth at the back on both sides. Was also getting a pressure feeling around the head, back of head and neck. I have managed to reduce these symptoms through relaxing and applyig pressure to the area does seem to help. But the jaw area appears to be persistant.

I am working hard to relax this but I wondered if anyone else has had similar symptoms too. Im not experiencing pain as such its more of a full feeling and pressure.

I havent been to a doctor yet as being anxious does make me fearful of this but if it persists then I know I should go.

This fear has taken over my days and just writing all the above has made my hands and arms shaky.

Any advice would be much appreciated.

Thankyou so much


16-02-11, 11:39
Hi nikki27

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

Vanilla Sky
16-02-11, 22:06
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

17-02-11, 11:40


18-02-11, 17:13
Hi Nikki.

Im sorry to hear your having these symptoms, as you know however its probably all down to anxiety and stress. I know because Im feeling the same, since xmas I have had headaches every week and Ive now convinced myself its something awful, this has in turn made me feel depressed which resulted in me having quite a bad panic attack today. Ive not had one for atleast 6 months so it was a bit of a shock, I thought I was dying!

The only advice I can offer is try and picture what your therapist would have said to you if you were discussing it. I know mine would say theres no evidence that anything bad is happening to you, but a lot of evidence that all of your symptoms are down to anxiety! Not that it helps much to know that, but knowing you got through it before should be some comfort to you, Im sure its just a blip. Maybe you could try and do some breathing exercises, Im going to get my CD out later and do some, I was told to do them every day but I havent and now I know what will happen if I dont!!

Good luck and I hope you feel a bit better soon :hugs: