View Full Version : diazepam

16-02-11, 11:51
Hi i was put on Diazepam 5 days ago, 3 days after taking 3, 2mg doses. I sat in a working mens club car park fo over 1 hour trying to convince myself of reasons not to kill myself. I do suffer fom BPD and have really bad days but this drug made me feel worse than i have ever felt in my life. I was also horrible to the people i love and could not stop crying ( an occurance that never happens). I can not believe that this drug was given to someone without the side effects being explained. Doctors just palm you off with pills, any pills and if he had bothered to read my past notes he would have probably realised that this drug would be, as i found out it was, detrimental to my mental well being.

16-02-11, 11:52
Hi warvici

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

16-02-11, 12:32

I am so sorry you are feeling so ill at the moment. This is a good site for support and encouragement. I have only been here a couple of weeks but I find that the care that everyone shows for each other is so helpful.

I wonder if you feel able to go back to your doctor and tell kim/her how you are feeling. Don't sit and ruminate with those horrible suicidal thoughts....talk to someone about them. I am sure you won't harm yourself but I know how tiring and debilitating they can be. Don't try and fight them alone. Perhaps you could ask your doctor to refer you for some "talking therapy".

I do hope that you start to feel better soon.


Vanilla Sky
16-02-11, 22:05
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

17-02-11, 05:29
Yep,The dreaded diazepam,I got hooked on them for years,I cannot remember a lot of those years when I was popping, well I won't say how many the missing years.Doctors are good at giving folks a quick fix(not).I used to drink lots while on these little pills and boy what a mess I use to get myself in,waking up in strangers homes I would freak out and have a panic attack,bloody awfull is all I will say.Only use them as prescribed and not like me a sheet at a time.

17-02-11, 08:50
To original poster ...hope you feel better soon mate .

As regards the diazapam i,ve been on them for three months and just take 1 x 2 mg a day or as needed and they helped me through a bad patch . They are very addictive and mixed with alcohol even more so ...i know unfortuneately .
I,ve been on half a one (1 mg ) for about 4 days and none last night , i feel ok , no withdrawel yet , perhaps i won,t .

For me the addiction is more phsological (to get that relaxed feeling) not a physical dependance .
I want one as i know how they will make me feel in twenty minutes !
This last eight i,ve got .....thats it and then i,m off them .