View Full Version : New to this site

16-02-11, 14:09
Hey all my first day on this site...and i have to say it seems like a very supportive site to be part off...:) I'm looking forward to taking part in the forums and maybe even attending a few meet ups:yesyes:

Iv'e suffered with Anxiety,panic attacks and Depression on and off for 13yrs! I'm hoping i can give support and hope to others and even recieve a little back when needed....:hugs:

I look forward to talking to you all

PS i'm from the West Midlands....

16-02-11, 14:10
Hi Pinkella

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

Vanilla Sky
16-02-11, 21:59
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

17-02-11, 11:49
Hi Pinkella, I am glad you feel you can come here and support others, if we all could help out one person I feel in our own problems will seem the little bit smaller, well this is what I feel :)


paula lynne
17-02-11, 15:14
Welcome to a fantastic supportive forum, good to have you on board!:welcome:

19-02-11, 01:18
Totally agree Rexzooly:)

Thanks for the warm welcome guys :bighug1:

20-02-11, 08:42
I am a 15 year old, I used to have depression, it would have been great if i joined then and got support but im much much better now and i actually enjoy life (never thought i woud say that) i came on here after looking up some symptoms (i joined yesterday) and i think its a great place with a lot of support and people of all ages to talk to and ask for advice.
Its great x