View Full Version : The Big Shock that is Anxiety

16-02-11, 16:03
http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/images/icons/icon8.gif The Big shock that is Anxiety
Hi all, I found this website having looked online after two months of hell. I wanted to introduce myself as new and wondered if any of you have experienced what I have since mid December. I'll try and be as brief as possible. From September 2010 I had a number of occasions where I felt really weird. Full of panic, feeling dizzy, having to leave work, shops and bars etc. I ignored this and put it down to being tired. I'm 33 and have never had anything like this before. Then came the Tipping point, In mid December I felt a similar sensation described above, I left work, jumped in the car and had to pull over on the Motorway. I dialled 999 as I thought I was going to pass out, everything seemed weird and I felt totally detached from myself and my surroundings. The Paramedic directed me to my doctor who has done some tests which were clear and has diagnosed me with Anxiety. I'm on Propranolol, Citalopram and Diazepam (As and when required however was on 20mg a day for the first month) which are just about keeping the edge off my symptoms however they are with me every minute of every day. Here's what I have experienced and continue to do so. Feeling detached from self and surroundings (Feels like I'm not me and I'm looking down at myself as if I'm a shell) Shaky legs, feeling that I can't walk or will collapse. Tremor and twitching in legs, arms and neck, Intrusive thoughts about those close to me which is horrible. Being on edge all the time, feeling I cant think, poor memory, weight loss, Irrational fears of doing anything, Burning sensations in arms and legs. I hope this is posted in the correct location but would really appreciate some responses if you've had or are experiencing any of the above. Thanks.