View Full Version : Virus/cough - need reassurance

16-02-11, 16:51
I've had a fever for 5 days. Went to work yesterday, but only stayed a half of day. I had gone to get checked yesterday and they said my lungs were clear. Lots of people around me and in town have everything from step to pneumonia to sinus infections.
I'm getting really nervous because I still have a fever. I called Urgent Care (our walk in clinic that I went to yesterday) to ask them about the fever or coughing up some green in my phlegm and they said that as long as my lungs were clear yesterday then it should be ok. Also, that some people have been running a fever for a week, and the cough hangs on for along time. It was good to cough the stuff out. I'm a nurse, and I keep trying to reassure myself, but I get a little short of breath, and I get scared. I get this with anxiety, too, but I think I have a little bronchitis, so that can make your chest tight. So, I'm trying not to panic. It's hard to go to work, but when I'm at work, I don't focus in on my anxiety as much. But with the fever, I've had to stay home today. Help.

16-02-11, 17:04
in my experience anxiety makes any illnesses last much much longer. If the docs said your lungs were clear then they were. Anxiety can cause all sorts of symptoms from really high temperature to feeling really cold and if you already have these then they may just be being magnified. However it is best to get things checked out if they persist. im sure you'll be fine though :)

16-02-11, 17:17
Thanks for your reply. I'm trying to stay calm, but it is hard.

16-02-11, 17:31
:hugs:Hiya...I had a viral infection for 3 wks after christmas...i felt shocking!The fever made my heart race which apparently can happen when u have a temperature...but the more u stress about the physical symptoms the worse you will feel...Try to accept that ur physically ill at the moment and rest up!and be kind to urself...My anxiety always gets worse when im physically ill i think because i panic that i have something worse that what im told iv'e got ie virus....Take the time you need to get better...and try not to worry easier said than done i know but ur doctor has given you reassurance,so keep that it mind..... hope you feel better soon x

16-02-11, 18:29
i got bronchitis over new year and i struggled really badly with my anxiety in this time and it seemed kmstay forever I'm still coughing phlegm up now.
hope you feeling better soon x

16-02-11, 23:39
Thanks for your replies. I'm trying to stay calm. Even though it's hard to go to work with my anxiety, it kind of helps me focus away from my anxiety, and then I can relax during the evening. I don't sleep well. With this virus and having a fever for 5 days, my routine has gotten interrupted. I did work yesterday for a half day with a fever, but then came home. Stayed home today because I am a nurse (even though I'm administration and don't do patient care), I know that I am contagious and shouldn't be at work with a fever. So many staff have had this at work. So, being at home by myself, except for when my son stops by (thank God for my son), I have had a hard time not panicking. And I keep thinking, what if this doesn't go away? What if I get pneumonia? I had pneumonia (about 20 years ago now) and I was out of work for a month. Just want to be well again. I'm just so scared.

17-02-11, 18:49
I started off today feeling a little more positive. No fever. But now, of course, as the day has gone on, I do have a little one. Now I'm panicking again, thinking there must be something really wrong with me if I still have this fever. Don't know if I should go back for a recheck or not. I spoke with my counselor this morning over the phone and he said I should go for a short drive and just get out for awhile. I did do this, but got really dizzy and got panicky so came back home. Some of this may be due to the virus because I haven't been eating well, but I know a lot of it is also anxiety. If it hadn't been for this nasty virus, I would have just made myself keep going for a drive. Just so scared. Anybody know if anxiety can cause your temp to rise a little? I should know the answer to this because I'm a nurse, but I'm not sure. I know exercise can.

18-02-11, 12:50
Hi Nurse...from personal experience i would say yes that anxiety can cause fever/sweating.. Iv'e often woke in the night soaked through with sweat when iv'e been suffering with anxiety...I looked it up and it is a symtom of anxiety.... Its also a symptom of physical illness ie virus/flu bacterial infections ect...so in ur case maybe its a combination of both anxiety/and physical illness....If you still feel unsure go back to ur gp doc thats what their there for...But sounds like ur run down...so why don't you get some good dvd films in some light hearted magazines and rest up for a few days! this is what i do! when im feeling crap mentally and physically...Get the duvet out and lie on ur sofa with a good film be kind to urself please stop giving urself such a hard time....:hugs: