View Full Version : Back After 3 Years

16-02-11, 17:00
As the title says I'm back after 3 years of finally conquering the dreadfull health anxiety and all that accompanies it. Had Hypnotherapy and CBT which really helped me no end, still taking tiny dose of Citalopram, and have felt great for so long. But now I find my anxiety and panic has gone through the roof because I might have to be a witness in court because somebody has used some of our company invoices fraudulently and I had no choice but to give a statement by phone and e-mail but didn't realise it would come to this when I gave it. Even though we are the innocent party I just don't know how I will get through it, obviously my Husband will be with me as our business is a partnership but the thought of standing in court is making me feel so ill. I've even written to them telling them about my mental state and that I've been excluded from jury service becuase of this. I just can't seem to think of anything else day and night my brain is constantly full of what ifs and all my usual coping strategies just don't seem to be working today, so sorry to go on, typing this through tears. Just needed to get it of my chest.