View Full Version : Plz help cant cope

anx mum
16-02-11, 19:19
Really struggling with health anxiety getting awful pains in my chest and back keep getting a feeling of no air. Had tests that have come bk ok just feel awful like im gonna die constately on edge feel so alone:weep: feel like noone understands its only my kids keeping me going.

16-02-11, 20:17
It is a bit unfair to say you feel that no-one understands when we have really tried to help Bev

Have a read back of you old posts on here and there is loads and loads of advice on what to do to help yourself.

You MUST act on it though !

anx mum
16-02-11, 20:19
It is a bit unfair to say you feel that no-one understands when we have really tried to help Bev

Have a read back of you old posts on here and there is loads and loads of advice on what to do to help yourself.

You MUST act on it though !

Never meant the people on here u have all been great meant the people around me.

16-02-11, 20:28
ok fair enough

I still want you to re-read your old posts though and do some of the stuff we have suggested.

16-02-11, 20:31
Can I ask what you mean by 'its only my kids keeping me going'

Ok I know what its like to feel alone and to be in the state your in now but you said it yourself hun you have had all the tests and they were ok. If the doctors can't find anything wrong with you then that tells me there's nothing wrong with you. I can't preach tbf the amount of times I've been to the doctors and to a&e thinking I was dying and to be told its anxiety but one thing I will tell you from experience I can sit and give you all the reassurance you need but it won't help not one bit because you have to accept and believe its anxiety and until you do no amount of reassurance will make you feel better. Whens your app for CBT? Your not alone and people do understand xx

anx mum
16-02-11, 20:36
Can I ask what you mean by 'its only my kids keeping me going'

Ok I know what its like to feel alone and to be in the state your in now but you said it yourself hun you have had all the tests and they were ok. If the doctors can't find anything wrong with you then that tells me there's nothing wrong with you. I can't preach tbf the amount of times I've been to the doctors and to a&e thinking I was dying and to be told its anxiety but one thing I will tell you from experience I can sit and give you all the reassurance you need but it won't help not one bit because you have to accept and believe its anxiety and until you do no amount of reassurance will make you feel better. Whens your app for CBT? Your not alone and people do understand xx

thanks sammi just feel so low

16-02-11, 20:43
I know you do hun, its hard I know it is ill never forget how I felt when I was at my worst with anxiety you are convinced your ill but the docs can't find anything but you still feel no better lots of people have felt like this but at some stage you have to accept your fine (that's easy for me to say) but I still have my days where I'm an anxious mess I still run to doctors when there's something I'm scared of but when the doctor checks me over and tells me I'm fine I actually believe her now I don't go looking for another doctor thinking the first doctor has missed something I go home and feel relieved I'm fine and actually believe it. You will get there Bev but the first step is believing there is nothing wrong with you and anxiety is causing all this :)