View Full Version : Few health worries

16-02-11, 20:16
I haven't posted anything like this for a while, You have missed these kind of posts haven't you?! :D

What i am worried about:-


Had a few problems with it last year, Went to see an ENT Specialist on 23rd December 2010 who put a camera up my nose and down my throat and said it was inflamed and said it was caused by Acid Reflux, Put me on Lansoprazole which i am still on but i am getting bad throat pain recently and now i'm worried he might have missed something when he done the camera and i am worrying about Throat Cancer (I wouldn't say i was at risk of Throat Cancer as i stopped smoking 9 years ago and only smoked for about 4-5 years and i don't drink alcohol much at all.

Also regarding the throat i am still having a few difficulties swallowing, My tonsils are always enlarged, I had Tonsillitis 4-5 times last year and have already had it once this year!

Keep worrying i might have Throat Cancer or MND that starts in the Mouth/Throat before progressing to all the other parts of the body!


Been getting a lot of chest pain recently, Could be tension, Could be muscular, But i guess could also be a Heart problem or Lung Cancer or Cancer that's spread into my lungs?

In September'2010 I had a few ECG's done, Could a heart problem develop within 5 months? I also had a Chest X-Ray done in September, Could i have developed Lung Cancer in 5 months?


Don't know why but i still worry about this, Keep thinking it could have already started in my Mouth/Throat/Respiratory System and is going to spread to other parts soon, I think the problems with my Throat and Swallowing make me think that it could be Neurological.


Had a lot of pain in my mouth over the past few weeks and today i noticed some lumps/bumps/patches at the front of my mouth which i am now worried about.

16-02-11, 20:30
I haven't posted anything like this for a while, You have missed these kind of posts haven't you?! :D

No :roflmao:

16-02-11, 20:37
Oh of course we have missed your posts lol x

macc noodle
16-02-11, 23:49
I thought you had stopped posting!!!! LOL

16-02-11, 23:50

macc noodle
16-02-11, 23:51
Actually Eggy I am having a rough time tonight - chest pain, pins and needles, clammy feet, indigestion etc etc etc - just fighting with myself as to whether it really is a heart attack this time or just this blinking health anxiety that has decided to attack me full on again!


16-02-11, 23:56
My concern is the ENT said my throat pain was being caused by Acid Reflux, YET i have been taking the Lansoprazole every day as i was told to and the pain seems worse than it was a few months ago which makes me believe that it's something more serious than that, I'm sure you can understand that?

I want to see that ENT guy again so i can have words with him because i think he's got it wrong!

My worry is him missing something like Throat Cancer and maybe already spread elsewhere like to the lungs or something.

It just hurts so much, It's causing me constant pain.

17-02-11, 00:01
Actually Eggy I am having a rough time tonight - chest pain, pins and needles, clammy feet, indigestion etc etc etc - just fighting with myself as to whether it really is a heart attack this time or just this blinking health anxiety that has decided to attack me full on again!


Sorry you are having a rough time, I know how it feels, I am still getting chest pain myself but as i have had it for a while now i know it can't be a heart attack.

I hope you feel better soon.

17-02-11, 00:03
Actually Eggy I am having a rough time tonight - chest pain, pins and needles, clammy feet, indigestion etc etc etc - just fighting with myself as to whether it really is a heart attack this time or just this blinking health anxiety that has decided to attack me full on again!


I'm with you there, I'm meant to be doing a diary of palpitations for GP and I'm only freaking myself out more cos they're all brought on by exercise!! (All meaning less than 20 since Friday.. oh dear :roflmao:) .. hope you aren't feeling too bad? x

Eggy -sometimes you need to change the dosage of tablets or try a different kind, have you asked about that? Seemingly when you take them can have an effect too!

17-02-11, 00:16
I'm with you there, I'm meant to be doing a diary of palpitations for GP and I'm only freaking myself out more cos they're all brought on by exercise!! (All meaning less than 20 since Friday.. oh dear :roflmao:) .. hope you aren't feeling too bad? x

Eggy -sometimes you need to change the dosage of tablets or try a different kind, have you asked about that? Seemingly when you take them can have an effect too!

I don't take them anymore i came off them 3 weeks ago.

17-02-11, 00:20
I don't take them anymore i came off them 3 weeks ago.

The ones for your stomach - laranzapole (spelling bad, sorry!)? That'll probably explain why the heartburn's worse..

17-02-11, 00:25
I thought you meant Cipralex, I have been taking Lansoprazole for 6-7 weeks non-stop and i am still taking them, I don't get heartburn i get constant chest pain.

I stopped the Cipralex 3 weeks ago after slowly reducing them.

blue moon
17-02-11, 01:58
eggy you must have lot's of time to think about all your ailments.why don't you try and keep busy and not worry so much about your health,everyone is fighting some battle friend but do not dwell on it
Petra x

17-02-11, 07:16
Hi eggy!
I wouldn't worry about tonsillitis chick I had it all of last year I'd had antibiotics for it 13 times an I've had it twice already this year looking at having mine out sometime this year!
As for the lanzoprazole (sp?) I had it an had to stop taking it as it made my symptoms worse apparently according to my gp its extremely common for it to do this!
I don't think the specialists have missed anything!

Xx claire xX

17-02-11, 22:07
Hi Eggy - welcome back ;)

Do you recall, a few months ago, you said that if you went to the ENT and nothing sinister was discovered, you would accept that you have health anxiety and seek help for it?

20-02-11, 21:40
Hi Eggy - welcome back ;)

Do you recall, a few months ago, you said that if you went to the ENT and nothing sinister was discovered, you would accept that you have health anxiety and seek help for it?

There's a difference Dahlia.

For example if you had bad throat pain and you went to see an ENT and he said you're throat problems were being caused by Acid Reflux and the throat was just inflamed and he said to you i'll give you some Lansoprazole to stop the acid and you're throat will get better then 2 months down the line you still had swallowing problems and worse throat pain than before and developed pain in one ear as well would you just leave it and say oh can't be nothing bad? No you wouldn't you would want a second opinion wouldn't you?

20-02-11, 21:45
You may have overlooked mine and other post saying that sometimes it takes a few med changes before the acid reflux settles down. Like i said lanzoprazole didnt work for me in fact it made things worse and i had to come off it! maybe make an appointment to talk about changing your meds!

21-02-11, 14:21
Just a thought eggy ,i take lanzoprazle 30 mg , once in the morning but to be honest i don,t rate them . I also take ranitidine 150 g 2 or 3 times a day , but i make sure one of these is at night time , my acid stomach/reflux only stopped (or nearly has) takeing this ranitidine aswell which my doctor says is fine .

Lanzoprazle does nothing on its own imho (for me anyway) and even my doc said they don,t suit everybody .
Haveing said that a mate of mine 1 x 15 mg of one works great for him .

Acid reflux is sometimes just controlled in some people with meds , others the meds seems to virtually cure it . I also get no heartburn , never have , just stomach cramps and pains in the chest but my sore throat has now gone . If you have given the meds 6-7 weeks you might need a higher dose or a change of meds .

What strength are they 15mg or 30 mg ??

21-02-11, 16:56
Well i was told i could take 1 or 2 a day and i took one a day for around 4 weeks but thought i'll try and take 2 a day but things haven't changed.

21-02-11, 17:12
well go back and ask for a different type!!! it wont get better if the tablets are not working and you dont do anything about it!

21-02-11, 19:05
You may have overlooked mine and other post saying that sometimes it takes a few med changes before the acid reflux settles down. Like i said lanzoprazole didnt work for me in fact it made things worse and i had to come off it! maybe make an appointment to talk about changing your meds!

How did it make things worse please , i,m convinced mine don,t agree with me , and what do you take now .



22-02-11, 07:28
Hiya mel.

Lanzoprazole didnt give me any relief as such it gave me awful tummy cramps and made me constipated :ohmy: i also always felt like the back of my throat was dry and sore! My regualr Gp (not the one who prescribed it) told me that lanzoprazole can do this, it can actually make it worse rather than better! He suggested i came off it all together and just tried managing with gaviscon.
At first i was using gaviscon numerous times aday but i found once id gotten to grip with my anxiety my reflux was no where near as bad an now i generally only need to use gaviscon if ive had something spicey or if ive eaten too much!
I also cut out alot of things which made my tummy worse, white bread was the biggest culprit and so was milk!

Hope this helps :D

Claire xxx

22-02-11, 08:22
Thanks Clare :D

I get Stomach cramps , i thought it was the acid . I,ll mention it to my Doc . I,m going to ask to cut the dose to 15 mg from 30 mg and slowly come off them i think , i don,t think i need them anymore .



22-02-11, 08:56
The cramps i got were awful i was doubled over almost and i got them every day but as soon as i stopped taking them the pain went away so i knew it was that. I still get the reflux niggles in my tummy when ive set it off by eating something i shouldnt and the burning but gaviscon sorts it!
I never believed for one minute that anxiety could cause acid reflux i thought i had a ulcer an it wasnt until i got to grips with the anxiety that i realised my tummy was better!

Claire xx