View Full Version : Im finding it so difficult to cope... i feel like im going crazy

16-02-11, 22:20
I am a final year occupational therapy student and I have struggled with anxiety for the past 9 months. I had one anxiety attack which set off a chain of events such as depression and now I have I feel a deep rooted heath anxiety. Any niggle in my body and I am assuming that I have a condition/disease. There are symptoms which Im not sure are even anxiety like a rushing feeling like air up my spine and my neck and this absolutely freaks me out.

I get mini headaches all the time and I take them as a sign of stroke! I always touch my face and wave my limbs afterwards to make sure im ok. i will bring on a stroke/heart attack if I continue at this rate. I also have a constant internal tremor and this absolutely freaks me out - a lot a lot a lot. Have any of you experienced this.

I really need all of your wisdom and advice to help. I feel that this community is so knowledgeable and can provide me with peace of mind.

Thank you all for reading this post